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Everyone was fighting their own battles, Luffy against Kaido, Law and Kidd against Big mom, and so on.  Everyone was trying to hold up their own and in the end it worked. Luffy finally unlocked his true devil fruit powers, he was about to take down Kaido when he passed out along with his friends, certain others, along with the enemy.

They ended up at an island, first to wake was Robin of the straw hats, she looked around confused until she saw her crew, along with Shanks crew, Marco, Sabo and the revolutionary, Law and his crew, Kidd and his as well, Mihawk, Sanji's brothers and his sister, Hawkins, Doflamingo, Crocodile, Grap and Coby, Smoker, Yamato and O-Tama, Rayleigh.

Of course, they were all asleep, which Robin was thankful for, she looks back at her crew and smiles as she sees Luffy in the middle of Sanji and Zoro, who had their arms around Luffy, who's arms were spread out. Once she heard some people wake up, she was on high alert in case they were to attack.

"Where the hell are we!", exclaimed Kidd, who had killer beside him while his crew was behind him.

"Would you shut up!", Law yelled at him as he went to sit beside his own crew. 

"Hey! Isn't that Luffy Shanks?", Benn asked as he pointed to the sleeping teen in the middle of two men, which he was definitely jealous about.

"Mhm? Oh yeah! Look at anchor! Let's go say hi to him....", Shanks trailed off at the sight in front of him, jealously sparked within in as he saw his anchor in the middle of two men.

Soon enough everyone looked over at the certain straw hat captain, with his first mate and cook of either side of him. Some looked with jealous eyes and others either didn't care or were thinking how cute the scene before them looked.

Nami looks at them, silently thinking how cute the scene looked, she shook her head and walked over to the monster trio.

"Sanji! Zoro! Wake up now!", She yelled into their ears.

"Would you shut up, damn witch!", Zoro yelled back.

Zoro looked over and saw Sanji waking up and Luffy holding on Sanji's shirt mumbling about meat. He shook his head and smiled lightly and shook Luffy's shoulder's trying to wait him up and in which succeeded. 

"Mhmmm where are we?", Luffy sleepily asked, and he rubbed his eyes to wake himself up more.

Many blushes and other's yelled out how cute that was in which Luffy only looks at them confused. He slowly looked at everyone as he made his way to Zoro, who was standing with their crew. Luffy's eyes landed on Sabo and yelled out to him even though Sabo was already looking at him.

"SABO!", Luffy yelled happily as he run up to him.

Luffy run up and jumped on Sabo giving him a weird hug but nonetheless a hug. Sabo hugged back and greeted Luffy and his crew. Luffy failed to notice the others until Shanks got dramatic.

"Anchor ignored me Benn!", Shanks said sadly had he kneeled down looking depressed. 

Luffy turned around and fully took a look at everyone there before him, his eyes widen a little as he saw friends, enemies, etc. 

" Hi Shanks!", Luffy said happily at seeing the older man.

"Hai Anchor!", Shanks said as he ran up to Luffy and hugged him and got one in return.

Luffy then said hi to Benn and gave him a long hug too, soon enough he had said hi to all of shanks crew and made his way back to his own.

"So... where are we?", Luffy asked as he looked around.

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