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The men were planning to tell Luffy their true feeling towards him. Currently the rubber male was helping Franky move things to the bottom of the ship, this gave them enough time to plan what they were going to say. They weren't yelling nor fighting, but more like freaking out and nervous. It was a new thing to others to see as some walked by them plotting, some of them gave confused glances while others laughed.

Soon enough they heard Luffy come back up along with Franky. Luffy turned his head over to them and smiled which he got a smile in return too. Luffy went up to them and asked Sanji if he could make drinks, Sanji got up and headed to the kitchen, just as Luffy was getting ready to follow him he felt arms grab him around the waist and pull him into someone's lap. Luffy looked and saw Hawkins smirk down at him. He tried to get away but Hawkins grip just tightened and so he gave up and relaxed against the bigger male.

He glanced at the other men who was staring at him intently, he gave them a confused looked as they all turned away. Sanji soon came out with the drinks and gave Luffy one first, he got a series of thanks and thank you's. Sanji sat back down next to Hawkins and ruffled Luffy's hair a little as he watched the younger blush.

The older men looked at each other deciding whether or not to tell him right now or wait.

Luffy caught them looking at each other, he got tired of seeing them do this and finally spoke up.

"Stop doing that it's annoying me, just say whatever you got to say now", Luffy said annoyed.

The men sighed and looked at each other once more before one of them spoke up.

"Well, we were thinking and well erm", Law tried to say but he isn't very good at expressing his feelings.

"What the creep surgeon is trying to say is that we like you" Kidd said.

"All of us like you, like at the same time", Sabo said with a slight blush.

Luffy stayed there shocked, mouth slightly parted as his face slowly got redder and redder.

"H-Huh?!" was the only thing that came out of him.

"We want to date you anchor, all of us", Shanks spoke.

"If you will have us that is", both Zoro and Mihawk said at the same time.

Luffy's face got even redder as he stumbled to find the right words.

"Well captain? say something at least", Sanji said as he watched Luffy having trouble finding what to say.

"I- um... ye-yes I'll date you", Luffy stuttered as he looked down not wanting them to see his cherry red face.

He felt someone touch his chin, pulling his face up and kiss him. He was shocked to see Sabo be the first to kiss him, he snapped out his daze his kissed back as he felt Hawkins kissing at his neck.

He was picked up and saw them heading to his room. Once they got there everyone got their chance to kiss him. Soon those kisses turned into something else which led to another thing and soon enough clothes were off, panting could be heard, everything else followed in suit.

~Time-skip bc you can imagine the rest lmfao~

Some of men that weren't already laying down, flopped down next or on top of Luffy who was still breathing hard. They looked at him, he had a blush on his face, panting slightly and eyes half lidded. They smirk at the beautiful mess they had made, and each took turn kissing him. Luffy laid his head on top of Rayleigh's chest and let himself relax as he looked at everyone else.

"So do you tell someone you like them and have sex right after they say they like you back or...", Luffy said in a tired teasing tone.

They chuckled at Luffy and shook their heads saying something along the lines of, ' just when it's a certain rubber idiot captain', Luffy laughed at that and let himself slip into a peaceful sleep.

Soon enough the rest felt tired too and followed Luffy's actions and let sleep overtake them. Once they woke up again, they saw Luffy looking up at the ceiling, arms up in front of him, slightly playing with his fingers. Most likely he was waiting for them to wake up so he can move, they smiled at him as he caught attention to them being up. He said good morning to them, earning good morning kisses in return. He smiled and tried to get up but winced at the pain. He heard his now lovers laugh at him, he glared at them and told them to help him. They others watched the pout set in on Luffy face after that and laughed as they went to help their small lover.

Once they were dressed, they headed out the room and was meet with their friend/crewmates. They were all smirking that the new lovers, the lovers blushed and grumbled a 'what are you looking at idiots', while Luffy blushed and walked towards Robin.

"So Luffy-san, did they finally confess?", Robin said chuckling already knowing the answer.

"Mhm they did ma", Luffy said smiling at her.

Later as the day went on some watched as the lover's expressed their feelings in ways no one has ever seen. They noticed how Luffy shined like the sun, bright as ever, while his lovers were quiet, dark, like the moon if you will. Them being together, they noticed the affect there was in this world.

Them together, the sun and the moons, a love story, an eclipse.

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