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Luffy woke up and saw he was alone, he frowned slightly but guessed it was breakfast time, he quickly changed his clothes into something other than his usual. He wore light, cold, baggy see though pants, of course it covered his certain parts, but his legs were slightly exposed behind the light coral blue color of the pants, he wore a cut shoulder shirt, see through from the sleeves, it might look feminine but yet again he always looked like a girl, but he didn't mind that.

He walked down the stairs and made his way to the dining table, where he saw almost everyone there, he sat down next to Zoro and Mihawk, he took his straw hat off and laid it on his lap.

"You look SUPER good Luffy!", Franky said as he saw his captain.

"Thank you, Franky, it was in the closet so I just might as well wear it shsishsisish", Luffy said happily as Sanji gave him his food. He thanked the cook and ate his breakfast. He finished before everyone else and just waited for them to finish as he drank his smoothie slowly, spacing out once more.

Soon enough everyone was done and started to go around doing stuff, Zoro stayed with Luffy in the dining table while Sanji does the dishes. Luffy offered to help dry them to give Sanji a break, he's become soft for his crew after the two years, he wanted them as happy as possible, Sanji and Zoro walked out telling Luffy they were going to speak with the rest of the crew. Soon after Luffy heard yelling from outside and put down the plate he was drying and went to the big window in between the kitchen and dining room, he saw Zoro and Sanji scolding his crew, all except Robin knowing she was more responsible, and of course Sanji was only talking to the men and not Nami. 

" You are got to get it together, this is way we were apart for two years do you see it TWO YEARS that we've been away from the men we are supposed to protect!", Zoro yelled at everyone.

"Marimo is right on this one, you guys need to pull your weight together, I get your stronger now but that doesn't mean there isn't an enemy stronger than all of us combined! train harder got it", Sanji said mostly to the men as he and Zoro walked back to the dining room and kitchen. Luffy by now went back to drying off the last plate when he heard them coming in.

"Thank you Luffy, you can stop now I'll take the rest", Sanji said.

Luffy didn't say anything and only went to the slight opening by the window, Zoro who was sitting down cleaning his swords, aware of the other people outside the room listening in and Sanji knew as well, he looked at his Captain in confusion and frustration.  Luffy looked out the window to see his crew, his friends working, training harder to do what these two idiots said. He glanced over at Zoro and Sanji, angry at their words, he glanced back to the sight of his crew.

"Alright Luffy what is it? Why are you looking at the both of us like that?", Zoro asked frustrated. 

Luffy glanced back at Zoro and Sanji, eyeing Sanji till he stood next to Zoro. He walked towards them and took off his hat and gently placed it on the table.

"You work them too hard", Luffy said as he looked at both of them.

"It's what were supposed to do remember, first mate and cook, your right and left hand men", Zoro said while looking down cleaning his swords, Sanji was just looking at the ceiling smoking say he agreed with Zoro.

Luffy grabbed their faces to make them look at him. Both men were shocked to say the least and a little scared. The others could see through the window and from the windows on the doors of the dining room.

"Look at me and listen you idiots", Luffy threatened as he let go of their faces, he saw how he got their attention and started to speak once more.

"This is not a squad, it is a family, WE must protect this family, protect each other, not just me, you both are too hard of them when they try their best, I can see the strength they have gotten over the two year's, they are not weak, listen this family is our fortress, we cannot destroy it by mere look of mistake, now when you both understand, talk to me, but for now stay here until you learn what I've said", Luffy finishes, grabs his hat and left, walking out the main doors of the mansion and on about to the beach from last night.

He knew someone was following him, but he didn't care, he got to the same spot and sat down.

"What do you want", He asked not taking his eyes off the ocean.

"Luffy-san are you alright, we heard everything, I promise you Zoro and Sanji meant no harm from what they were doing or saying", Jimbe says as he stands beside Luffy.

"He is right Captain-san, we all want to protect you, and each other of course, so why are you angry for them making your crew stronger". Robin asked.

Luffy laughed. 

Straight up laughed.

"Shhishhsii ahh I'm not mad at that I'm mad at the fact they are overworking you all. I can see your strength there isn't a point for you all you prove it to me", Luffy paused and smiled, and he got up and walked into the ocean, he went mid-thigh high and spined slowly around the water being string rays swimming around him.

" You know, the closer I got, the closer to family I saw you all, I wasn't so alone then, but I felt like I had no one else when A-Ace died, I was alone, if Jimbe wasn't around to remind me I have a nakama that care for me, a family, I would have cursed my life and Torao for saving my life, now I see it, this I have, this is my family, you guys are my fortress, you are my biggest weakness, but my greatest strength, I'd let myself get killed if it was to save you all", Luffy said as his back was turned to the both of them, he tilted his upper body to see them as he said that, with a smile on his face.

Jimbe and Robin, as well as the rest who were listening in, we shocked, this is a different Luffy, the different straw hat captain that made a new appearance after two years, this Luffy expressed more, yet he was still so mysterious. 

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