~Back at sea?~

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The following morning everyone woke up got ready and headed down for breakfast, they were enjoying themselves, for once not fighting. They heard a small explosion outside and made a move to head out and attack the threat. Once went out and saw a walkway to the direction they first came from when they got stuck on this island, they also saw a note, in which Bepo from Law's crew, went and picked it up and read it.

"I see that you have become bored of this place so I will do you all a favor, Straw hats, heart pirates, red haired pirates, and Kidd's crew are going to get their ships, if you follow the path you will see, the people riding with the straw hats will be Mihawk, Marco, Sabo, and Crocodile, Yamato and Otama, on the red haired pirates, will be smoker, Garp, Dragon, Vinsmoke siblings and Rayleigh, on the heart pirates it's Doflamingo, you will be sure to not fight or cause trouble or the consequences will not falter." Bepo said as he looked up.

"Yay! we can go back on the Sunny!", Luffy yelled happily jumping up and down.

They all smiled at his comment but started walking to the mansion for some extra stuff they would need and soon enough headed through the path back to the beach they originally woke up on. They came to see the Sunny, Law and Kidds ships as well as Shanks. Luffy ran towards the Sunny and jumped up landing on his ship. Soon enough everyone went to the respectful ships and headed out to sea. Luffy was currently playing with Chopper and Ussop, laughing at whatever they were doing.

"Luffy-san", called out a voice behind him as he turned around to see who it was.

"Brook! Hi!", Luffy said jumping onto Brook hugging him.

Brook laughed his unique laugh and hugged him back.

"You want to come sit with me as I play a new song after you finish playing with Chopper and Ussop?" Brook asked him.

"Mhm ! Sure!", Luffy said happily before jumping off and went back to playing.

After an hour Luffy and the rest got tired of playing, Luffy went up to Brook and asked him to play his new song. Brook played as Luffy just watched him smiling. It was getting dark now and Luffy was getting sleepy from the sound soft song Brook was playing.

"Did you like that one Luffy-san", Brook had asked as his placed his guitar down.

Everyone was watching from either on the ship or from their own ships as they were leveled to be on the Sunny's height apparently.

"Mhm it was nice, sounded soft, nice, I like it!" Luffy said sleepily as he swayed a little to the waves moving the ship.

"Yohohoho I'm glad you like it Luffy-san!", Brook laughed out as he watched his sleepily captain sway slightly.

"Yeah it was SUPERRRR COOL!", Franky yelled out from higher on the ship.

The yell startled both Brook and Luffy, but they still smiled up at the energetic blue haired robot. 

"Luffy! Brook! Come get you food!", Sanji yelled out as he smiled at Luffy.

"MEAT!", Luffy said almost wide awake.

Many laughed at how quick you can get him slightly awake with just the mention of food. Sanji with the help of Marco and Killer made big portions of food for everyone, soon everyone was eating outside for whatever reason that was. Luffy was sitting in the same spot as before and started eating his meat after saying a quick thanks to Sanji and the rest. On Luffy's left side was Mihawk, and on the right was Yamato. 

"Luffy, do you think we will be able to get rid of Kaido once this is finished?", Yamato whispered to the younger male.

"Of course, I want to free Wano, it doesn't need to be ruled over by some stuck up excuse of a Yonko", Luffy whispered back.

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