~Stay for now~

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Once everyone got settled in the mansion, everyone met up for dinner since it was dark out now, Luffy was just waiting patiently (surprisingly) for his food while he watched Sanji gracefully made it. Once Sanji was done, Luffy offered to help place the food in its spot, promising to not eat any in which Sanji just eyes him with suspicion but nevertheless let his captain help him out. 

Everyone was now eating and surprisedly getting along and not fighting, Luffy looked up and saw everyone enjoying themselves and smiled softy, he'd never admit it but he was glad they weren't fighting for once, he felt full for some reason even though he had a bottomless pit stomach, he quietly got up from his seat and made his way outside and jumped on a tree o find a beach close enough to the mansion, he saw a little to the west that the beach was closer from this side and the northeast which was where they came from at first was much more far away. He jumped down safely and made his way to the beach unknown to him that he was being followed by everyone he left in the dining table. He hummed a soft song and reached to touch every large plant that was close to him, he was deep in thought that he didn't notice he was at the beach already.

The soft sound of waves crashing down brought him back to reality, he sat on his knees by the water, yet not close enough for the water to reach him. He stared and stared at the ocean until Robin had enough of the silence as well as O-Tama, they both made their way to Luffy and sat down with him.

"Captain-san? Why are you out here alone, you left your food which is not like you to do, it there something bothering you?", Robin asked genuinely worried for her Captain.

"Luffy-nii are you alright?", O-Tama asked as well, worried for her big brother.

Luffy didn't respond for a while until he felt a small hand hold his own hand, he snapped back to reality and looked at both Robin and O-Tama.

"I'm alright! shishshishsihsi there isn't anything wrong with thinking for a while, right?", Luffy laughed out.

"No, I suppose not Captain-san, what were you thinking about?" Robin asked, interested at Luffy's mysterious mind.

"Safety...all of you guys' safety", Luffy trailed off as he stared at the ocean once more.

"Safety, from who or what for?" Robin asked.

" From others who try or have tried to hurt any of you, I can only do so much", Luffy said.

"Luffy-nii !! your friends are strong enough to handle their own and so are you, are you doubting yourself? are you doubting you can save us? becaus-", O-Tama rambled before being cut off.

"Tama, I'm not doubting anything nor anyone, I know all of you are strong enough b-but there will be a time where we are not at our strongest", Luffy softly says.

"Captain-san you are talking nonsense, you have unlocked your true devil fruit powers you technically are the strongest out here, we would gladly give up our lives for you, we own you so much, we are your crew, we do what we do best and for what the captain picked us to be part of.", Robin says.

Luffy went silent, he only stared at the ocean until he grabbed a hold of O-Tamas hand, he gently picked her up slightly so he could face Robin completely, he laid O-Tama beside him still holding onto her hand.

" I didn't pick any of you for what you were portrayed as, I picked you for what was in your heart, the feelings, the truth, the ambition, not for what strength made you have whatever title they put on you. When I met Zoro, I only knew he was a strong swordsman in the making, but I didn't just pick him for that, I saw his heart, his true intentions, the one's that made me want him close. Sanji was different, I love food yes, but I saw an ambition fog his eyes, he has a pure heart, he shouldn't have had a terribly childhood just like the rest of you. Every time I can't do anything to help, I felt lost, and the only thing that I hate the most, alone. I hate being alone, I'd rather die than be alone forever, that's why I protect the way I do, act the way I do, do things my way." Luffy said kind of out of breath.

Robin and O-Tama look at Luffy with a smile, they knew he was protective and kind, but this was extreme, he was telling them how he felt.

Luffy noticed it was getting even more late and told them they should head back now, once they arrived everyone was already inside, Jimbe asked where they had gone off too which O-Tama yelled out and I quote, "THE BEACHHH", Luffy laughed loudly as well as Jimbe and Robin, O-Tama asked Luffy if she could sleep with him tonight and he said he had no problem with that but should tell Nami first.

"Nami! Nami! I want to go with Luffy please!", O-Tama asked using the puppy dog eye trick. Nami sighed as she sees Luffy just looking at them, as well as everyone else.

"Fine fine, just come to me when you are ready to change your cloths for bed okie", Nami said as she patted the smaller one's head.

"Mhm mhm I will! Luffy-nii she said yes!", O-Tama yelled out as she ran back to Luffy and jumped on him to give him a hug.

Luffy caught her and gave her a smile, he didn't notice his roomies were looking at him with a soft smile as they watched the scene before them. 

"Mhm well you should head out with Nami to change, and I will meet you in my room alright Tama", Luffy said softly.

"Okie Luffy-nii !", O-Tama says as she goes with Nami.

Luffy sighed a little and headed to his shared room, he walked to the closet and grabbed clothes that were there before they all came on this island, he picked up black pj pants, black top and underwear, he picked out some slippers and headed to the bathroom, he did everything he had to do and just stood there for a little, once he was satisfied with the wait he dried off and put his clothes on. He walked out drying his hair with a towel, he looked up and was met with worried looks.

"What is it?", Luffy asked.

"Why did you take so long, we heard the shower going for a while, we thought something happened to you", Benn asked.

"Hm nothing happened shishsishi I just spaced out", Luffy laughed as he heard a soft knock at the door.

He went to open it and saw Otama standing there, he let her in and walked towards his bed, setting the towel at the end of the bed, he gracefully laid sideways in the middle of the bed, closed eyes and head tilted towards the ceiling. He felt the bed dip ever so slightly, he opened one eye and say Otama lay beside him, he closed his eyes and slowly feel into a deep sleep.

The men saw everything and thought how cute it was but there was one thing they were wondering since earlier.

'What did he mean by not wanting to be alone?'

All except a certain blond of the revolutionary.

He knew why Luffy hated to be alone, but he didn't just want to tell everyone Luffy's secret, he stared at Luffy for a minute then laid on his bed and fell asleep with one thing in mind.

'Just stay for now Luffy, whether you can protect or need to be protected.'

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