~Getting Better~

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Everyone in the med area noticed Luffy was fast asleep and smiled.

"It's the side effects of the medicine, he should start to feel better in a few days as he takes the medication", Chopper said as he walked back to his temporary desk.

" So, if he doesn't take it then he'll get worse?" Sabo asked.

"Indeed, the medicine needs to be taken for a few days so it can actually help him", Law said as he went closer to Luffy to check up on him.

An hour or two past and Luffy woke up again with a soft groan and whimper. Almost everyone rushed to his side, Chopper had left an hour ago to meet up with Ussop so the only doctor was Law and he indeed panicked at the sound of Luffy.

"How do you feel? Any pain?", Law asked as he helped Luffy into a sitting position.

"H-hurt's to move and talk loudly, I also feel dizzy and lightheaded and h-hot still", Luffy said softly trying his best not to be loud.

" Alright I'll be right back with your medications", Law said as he walked away from the group.

" Luffy?", Zoro called out to him.

"Mhm?", Luffy hummed as he looked at him.

Zoro only stared at him which confused Luffy, soon enough Luffy smiled and waved Zoro over to the bed. Zoro puts his boots and swords at the left side of the bed and got on it, immediately hugging Luffy gently as too not cause any more pain for him. Luffy let himself get hugged and laid his head on Zoros chest as well as his left hand.

The others were jealous for Luffy attention, all of them besides Mihawk (who already got his turn) wanted to lay next to Luffy.

"Cmon Luffy-ya get up, here's your medicine", Law said.

Luffy looked up and got up into a sitting position with Zoro's help, he looked at the outstretched hand by him and saw two pills with mix matched colors, Law handed Luffy water and put the pills in his mouth.

"Swallow them, we need you to get better, I swear if you spit them out there will be consequences", Law threated as he looks into Luffy's eyes.

Luffy took some sips of water and swallowed the pills and cringed at the slight bitter taste it left in his mouth.

"Here Luffy, to get rid of the taste", Sanji said as he handed Luffy a smoothie.

" Thank you", Luffy said quietly as he drank the sweet drink.

"We need to know Luffy", Kidd suddenly said.

"W-what? know what?", Luffy asked.

"The recurring nightmares, maybe even flashbacks, the panic attacks, all of it", Kidd said as he looked into Luffy's eyes.

Luffy looked away told them it was nothing to worry about and that he was fine.

"Like hell you are, this is something we definitely need to know and worry about, so talk, we aren't leaving this room together until we get an answer", Shanks said.

"Fine, it happened a lot when I was younger, you can even ask Sabo, it happened because I was taken from my caretaker, Makino, I was branded because they realized I had a devil fruit power, I still have the mark, then they stopped when I met Ace and Sabo, but after... A-Ace's death, I-I just erm they started again, worse than before, I feel like I-I'm attacked every time and the voices don't help", Luffy said.

"Voice's? What voices?" Marco asked as he narrowed his eyes.

"The one's in my mind, telling me bad things", Luffy replied as he laid down on Zoro's chest again, Zoro held him tightly in return.

"Luffy... are you depressed and suicidal?", Sanji asked as the question remained in the air for a couple of seconds.

"No", Luffy said.

"Fate says he's lying, Luffy I suggest you tell us the truth now before I find out myself, trust the cards of fate don't lie", Hawkins said to Luffy as Luffy closed his eyes tightly.

Luffy mumbled something no one could hear after that.

"What was that Luffy?" Crocodile asked.

"I am", was the only thing Luffy said.

"You are what?", Rayleigh asked.

"Depressed and suicidal", he replied.

"For how long?", Doflamingo asked.

" Depressed for years and suicidal for two years, you figure out how long by yourselves", Luffy mumbled.

"I'll make medication, you know you could ask for help, anyone here would gladly have given it to you, but now that we know, we will help you ten times more than we would originally would", Law said.

"You are no longer alone Luffy, you have us", Killer said.

"Thank you...", they heard Luffy say as he faded into a deep sleep, with one thought on his mind.

'Yeah...they will help me get better and I think... god I've fallen for them'.

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