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"Luffy!", a voice called out to him as he left the mansion a second time today.

"Yeah?", Luffy said as he turned around, only to be faced with 15 familiar men.

"Wait up, we wanna tag along", Sabo said out of breath.

Luffy looked at him, then at Doflamingo, Crocodile, Mihawk, Hawkins and Smoker, and tilted his head confused.

"They wanna tag along? I find that hard to believe", Luffy asked as he mumbled the last part.

"Yes, we want to come along with you," Hawkins said, having heard what Luffy mumbled about.

Luffy nodded and told them to wait for a little as he went to the side of the mansion and soon came back with Otama, they looked at Luffy confused before Luffy explained.

" She wanted to come, and I said yes, so she is going", Luffy said as he smiled at them.

They started walking, soon the men realized they were going to the beach Luffy had found, Otama let go of Luffy's hand and ran towards the ocean wasting no time to have fun. 

"She seems to be having fun, especially when your around straw hat", Crocodile grumbled out.

' Was that a completement or an insult?', Luffy thought. He simply smiled and went to sit on the beach close to Otama.

"She reminds me of you Luffy, same smile too", Benn said as he looked over at Luffy.

"Mhm does she? I didn't even take notice shishishi", Luffy laughed as he said.

"LUFFY-NII! COME WITH ME AND TAKE A LOOK AT THIS!", Otama yelled out to Luffy.

Luffy tilted his head and smiled, he got up and made his way to the water, stopping before stepping him after Otama, he looked at her in confusion, she waved him over to where she was, Luffy smiled shaking his head and headed into the water, meeting Otama at shin deep water, Otama pointed to the small multicolored fishes and some sting rays that were circling them. Luffy reached down and hesitantly touched one of the sting rays, it was soft and a little smile as the touch, but he still smiled, grabbing Otama's hand and slowly placed it next to his. Otama yelled out in amazement, Luffy smiled seeing her like this, so... how do you place it, happy? no this is more than happiness, Luffy shook his head to get rid of the thoughts and looked up to meet the 15 men that were standing at the beach smiling at them. Luffy blushed slightly and hoped they wouldn't notice as a smile appeared on his face. 

Luffy and Otama played around at the non-deep parts of the ocean for what seemed a while, Luffy was semi wet as he looked up at the sky and into the horizon, the sun mixed with orange, soft blues, red and pink, he stared for a while before he heard Marco call out to him and Otama. He looked over and noticed all of them looking at him, he smiled and gestured towards the sunset. He walked towards them and sat down on one of the towel's surprisingly Doflamingo brought from the mansion. He noticed Otama walk sluggishly towards him and flopped down next to him. He chuckled slightly and look at the sky once more, as the other men did the same.

"You like sunset's straw hat?", Doflamingo asked as he side eyed Luffy.

" Mhm I guess, I like the night more, the moon is very pretty", Luffy said as he watched the sun slowly begin to disappear from the light sky of oranges.

"I would have guessed you like the sun Luff but the moon? You surprise me, I gotta get to know you more because I would have never guessed", Shanks said dramatically.

" I guess you do, just for your information, the moon brings peace and quietness, it's enjoyable", Luffy said as he looked over at Shanks.

" Whatever! doesn't matter what is brings, all of it's the same, you get life or death from day or night, peace is barely an option." Kidd exclaimed loudly.

Luffy sighed and shook his head, he turned over to look at Otama, who was already asleep, he picked her up and turned to face everyone there.

"Come on let's go", Luffy said as he started to walk back to the mansion.

Once there Sanji went to make dinner, Otama got woken up because of Chopper and Ussop, everyone was eating by now and started to leave, the only ones there were Luffy and his roommates, Otama was also still there not wanting to leave just yet, Luffy heard a plate shatter and soon enough came screaming.

"WATCH OUT BRAT, I'LL KILL YOU IF YOU DO SOMETHING LIKE THAT AGAIN! IT'S HARD ENOUGH NOT TO KILL ANYONE HERE WHEN THEY ARE ANNOYING AS HELL!", Kidd yelled at Otama, who accidently made Kidd drop his plate. Otama looked scared as she tried to apologize, Luffy walked up to Kidd and Otama, saw the slight panic Kidd's eyes had while looking at Otama, Luffy sighed and leaned down to pick up the plate.

"You think killing is hard huh, try healing something, that is hard, that needs patience, you can break something in a matter of seconds, but it can take forever to to fix, a lifetime, generations", Luffy said as he picked up the broken pieces and threw them away not once looking at any of them. He walked up to the two again and sighed as he looked into Kidd's eyes.

"Apologize, you and I both know your words meant nothing, but empy feelings, you panicked because you thought the plate would hit Otama, so go on, apologize", Luffy said in a tired yet mad tone.

Everyone looked at the three in shock, Luffy looked tired to an extent and looked ready to pass out, yet he was mad at Kidd's tone and words, Killer also knew Kidd's hurtful words meant nothing, he had only reacted the way he always reacted to everything, he smiled at Luffy for understanding his Captain and friend.

"I-I am sorry brat, I didn't mean my words before, I only panicked cause I thought it was hit you in the head", Kidd mumbled out.

Otama smiled and looked at Luffy, looking into his eyes basically asking if she should take that apology or not. Luffy shrugged and smiled, telling her she had to be the one to make the choice.

"It's ok! I forgive you, it was my fault too for making you drop it in the first place", Otama said smiling.

Kidd smiled as did Luffy and everyone else, Kidd looked at Luffy and smiled softy.

"I am sorry for reacting the way I did straw hat, I apologize", Kidd said as he looked down at the floor.

" Luffy"

"W-what?", Kidd asked.

" You guys can call me Luffy, even if some of you already do, I accept your apology, you have anger issue I understand", Luffy said as he laughed at his own teasing.

Kidd blushed and yelled at him saying he didn't have anger issues, everyone else laughed too.

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