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It took Luffy another two days to get better and once he did, he was causing a ruckus.

"Luffy! You're going to drop that!", Nami yelled at him as he went around the mansion touching stuff.

"Brat! Come here!", Garp called out to his grandson.

Luffy hesitated but nevertheless he walked towards Garp who was already walking outside. Luffy noticed his dad, Dragon, waiting for the both of them. He looked at them and tilted his head in confusion when both older men looked at each other, silently having a conversation in their minds.

"So- Luffy, I-I'm am sorry for leaving you, for not giving you a chance at a childhood with parents, and I know it was hard with my father, I just thought it would keep you safe", Dragon apologized bowing his head in sorry.

"Shishishshi It's fine, there isn't anything to say sorry for...dad", Luffy said smiling.

Dragon looked up at Luffy who just called him dad and smiled for once happy to finally have a father son moment.

"Thank you, son."

"Brat I also want to apologize, that training I put you through was to keep you safe, I knew I wouldn't change your mind nor Ace's, now I failed to protect one of you, I Kept you away from saving your brother, and I failed as a grandfather", Garp said feeling guilty.

"It's alright, it was not your fault", Luffy smiled sadly at the mention of his late brother.

"Your too forgiving brat!", Garp yelled at him.

"Maybe shsihshishi", Luffy laughed as he was scolded.


"Luffy! Come on were all going out to see if we can find a town or something on this Island." Nami said to him as he walked out the mansion once more as he was met with everyone else.

They all headed towards a random direction, while some people made sure no one got lost (ahem Zoro), soon enough Luffy heard loud noises of people.

"Guys! I hear loud noises over here", He semi yelled out to everyone else.

They all walked towards him and noticed how loud it had been, yet where they were they couldn't hear a thing.

'He must really have good ears.'

They all walked towards the sound and noticed it was a town, not big nor small but decent enough. Nami separated people into groups and purposely placed Luffy with the certain 15 men he was rooming with. 

"What do we do?", Luffy asked as he turned to his group.

"Food first then will figure out the rest", Sanji said as he started walking.

Soon enough everyone was following him, some noticed how Zoro was walking away from them, Luffy went after him knowing he was going to get lost and held his hand walking back to the others. Luffy didn't notice the jealous looks of the others nor Zoro's smug look, he just looked around like a child would as they headed to the market in the town.

Once they were there, Sanji got what he needed as well as extra stuff, they all started walking again looking at different stuff, the other's except Luffy noticed the group of creepy suspicious men looking over at Luffy, the other's got protective as they went even closer to Luffy and glared down at the suspicious group. Though, the group wouldn't stop with their suspicious actions as Luffy and the other's walked away. At one point Luffy got left alone for some time and failed to notice that same group walking up to him.

"Well Well, what do we got here", one said as he walked closer to Luffy.

"Let's make a deal what do say you pretty?", another spoke up.

Luffy looked at them and just stared not interested in the whole situation at all. One who hadn't spoken went closer to Luffy and grabbed him in a way Luffy felt extremely uncomfortable. Luffy removed the guy's hands and ran for it as the same group ran after him calling him names. Luffy being smaller and thinner had the advantage of running faster. He noticed his group he was separated from for a while and yelled out to them, Benn was more quick to turn around, hand on his gun as he felt something off with the scream.

"Benn! Help!", Luffy said as he ran past Benn and turned around now being in the middle of Benn and the rest.

Benn was quick to hold out his gun towards the group running after Luffy. They stopped the sight of the gun and we quick to talk out in anger as they pulled out their own weapons.

"How bout you just give us the beauty, and no one gets hurt", One snarled out with a smirk.

"Are you going to keep threating us or actually do something pussy", Benn said with a smirk knowing he was angering the guy.

The group got more anger at Benn's comment and were about to attack when the one that spoke up to threaten Benn and the rest fell to the ground as a loud sound of a gunshot. The group looked at their 'leader' with wide eyes and looked back at Benn and the rest with fear.

"Scram you fuckers", Shanks snarled with a glare as he stood behind Luffy.

They all stumbled and ran away screaming in fear, Benn turned around to see Shanks behind Luffy, still with a dark glare, Benn sighed and made his way towards them, he grabbed Luffy's hands and asked If he was alright.

"Mhm... yeah I'm fine, just shaken up", Luffy mumbled.

"Did they touch you?" Smoker asked not wanting the answer to be yes.

Luffy simply nodded as the rest held angry looks.

"Where", Croodile and Doflamigo said at the same time, not having time to argue with each other.

"W-what", Luffy said.

"Where did they touch you", Rayliegh said calmly but he was angry just like the rest.

"J-just around the waist, I ran away before the one that was touching me could go any lower", Luffy said truthfully.

The rest sighed at the fact he was touched more than just on the waist, but they were still angry, Luffy looked at them and smiled reassuring them he was ok now because of them. They smiled at that and said they could go to a cafe to get their minds of the whole situation, Luffy yelled out in excitement as Sabo gave him a piggyback ride.

Soon enough it started to get dark and headed to the meeting spot Nami told them to meet at after noon. Once they got there the rest were already there and so thy headed back to the mansion, everyone went to go put their stuff up as Luffy just headed up to the shared bedroom. Once the others went upstairs to their shared room with Luffy, they walked in and noticed Luffy sleeping in an odd position, head dangling slightly at the end of the bed on the left corner, arms spread out as the right one dangled off the foot of the bed, legs where at the top of the bed on the right side.

They look at Luffy and noticed the exhausted expression and slight relief, Marco sighed and made his way towards Luffy, lifting his bridal style and placed him in a more comfortable position. They noticed how Luffy sighed in his sleep and cuddled up with the pillows and blanket around him. The others smiled at this and headed to bed as well.

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