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Luffy smiled as he saw everyone enjoying themselves after he made the room comfortable once again. Suddenly he got a wave of hotness rush on him, he stumbled slightly but not much for someone to notice.

'What was that?', Luffy thought as he grabbed his head.

"Are you alright str- erm Luffy?",Mihawk asked him as he placed a hand on Luffy's shoulder.

Luffy shrugged it off, waving his hand saying he was fine.

"Stop lying your clearly not ok Luffy!", Rayleigh loudly said to him as he noticed Luffy's breathing quicken.

"I-I'm f-fine..." Luffy trailed off as he waves back and forth before finally falling backwards on to the ground.

Law caught him before he could hit the ground, his head dangled slightly, chin highly up arms to the side weak, eyes have lidded.

"H-hot, I f-feel hot T-torao", Luffy said softly as he goes to clench his shirt/chest area.

"Shit, he has a very bad fever, c'mon Luffy stay awake for now, I don't need you passing out right now", Law said as he gently touched Luffy's forehead, winced slightly at how hot he was and ran out of the dining area and into the med area. Once there Luffy saw the rest come in with worried looks, as Law does what he does best, he passed out from how bad the fever was soon after that.


"He's got a very severe cold, maybe from staying outside in the cold while wet, I took out as many of the sickness as I could, his body will have to do the rest", Law said as he gently placed down a cold wet cloth on Luffy's forehead. Everyone saw how bad the sickness was affecting the certain sunshine, Luffy's cheeks were dusted with a dark red, breathing shallow, face scrunched up as if he was in pain. They stayed in the room for a while, each taking turned to replace the hot cloth on Luffy's forehead with a new cold one, so it calms down the fever. They stayed there for another hour before they heard soft whimpers from the patient's bed. They all circled around the bed Luffy was placed in and frowned when they saw hot tears and a pained expression on Luffy's face.

"A-Ace... no stop! don't! You left me...all alone! when I needed you! don't leave...me...please", Luffy said as he was crying in his sleep. 

Something within the men's heart broke at the sight of their favorite sunshine. Sabo frowned as he went to go lay down on the bed on Luffy's right, hugging him and whispering sweet calming words into his ear. Marco, who was on Luffy's side of the bed, held Luffy's hand and squeezed it ever so slightly, acting like if he squeezed hard enough Luffy would break before him.

"I knew he was still having those nightmares, he told me they were over with! I shouldn't have believed his words", Zoro said frowning at the sight of his crying Captain.

"Is it worse than thi-", Killer started to ask but was cut off soon after.

A loud gasp broke through the room, as they turned to look at Luffy in a sitting position, hands clutching his shirt/chest area, head down and breathing hard. Law went to him almost immediately, trying to calm at least his breathing down. Yet, Luffy made no action to let them know he heard Law, Law started to get desperate, if Luffy continued, he would hurt himself even more.

"LUFFY SNAP OUT OF IT PLEASE!", Law yelled at him shaking him.

Luffy snapped out of it and looked up, their hearts broke at the crying straw hat captain in front of them, he looked so defeated and extremely sad.

"I-I'm s-sorry didn't mean to w-wake you", Luffy stuttered out with shaky breaths.

"You didn't wake us up, we weren't sleeping, we are too busy looking after you to sleep, now lay back down and go back to sleep, you really need it to get better", Rayleigh said as he tried pushing Luffy back down on the bed.

"N-no I ca-can't", Luffy brokenly said.

"Why not, it will help you", Shanks and Benn said at the same time, they side eyed each other and looked back at Luffy.

"Nightmares...", Luffy said quietly.

Mihawk walked up to him, taking off his coat and boots, places his sword on the side of the bed alongside with his coat and boots, he was left with a decent white top and black pants, finally he took off his hat, messing his hair a little and getting in bed with Luffy. Luffy turned his head to look at Mihawk, giving him a confused stare.

"You need sleep as they said to get better, but you can't because of nightmares, well we will all stay here for you just in case this happens again, now sleep", Mihawk said as he pulled Luffy down with him on the bed.

Luffy laid his head on Mihawks chest, listening to his heartbeat and breathing, slowly he let himself fall asleep to the sound of Mihawks gentle heartbeat and breathing.

Everyone looked at Luffy and smiled as they watch him fight the sleep and lose terribly in the end.

"At least he's asleep now, nightmare must've shaken him up a lot", Smoker said as he watched Luffy sleep.

" A whole lot at that", Crocodile agreed, he sighed at the sight of Luffy getting rest.


It was morning now and everyone except Luffy woke up, Chopper and everyone else other than the 15 men, notify that Luffy was sick and needed rest. Chopper was currently helping Law treat Luffy, once Luffy was awake Sanji gave him his food first saying he needed to eat something before Law and Chopper gave him medicine. Luffy was too weak to get up on a sitting position by himself, luckily Killer helped him up as Hawkins placed the food in front of him. Luffy stared at the food, for once not wanting to eat.

Everyone noticed and looked at him with worry, soon enough Kidd told him to eat everything if he wanted to get better as well as a 'threat' filled with love. Luffy laughed at Kidd's 'threat' but soon started coughing. Shanks was quick to give him water that was placed on his food tray, Luffy weakly took it as his coughs subsided.

After he ate something and was given his medicine, the sound of the people around him lullabied him to sleep once more.

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