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Luffy was with Sanji in the kitchen to keep him company, he was currently behind the taller man and was not noticeable unless he moved from Sanji. They heard the door open loudly but didn't care enough to look up.

"Look at the mistake doing labor work all alone at that too", Neji said as he glared at his younger brother.

Sanji simply ignored him and not looking up to see if he was the only one because he knew the rest of his so-called siblings were there. He slightly moved his eyes to Luffy was also didn't make a move to yell at the blue haired man.

"Ignoring us now are you Sanji," Ichiji said the name with hate.

"Come on freak don't ignore people superior to you!", Yonji yelled at Sanji.

Reiju looked at her brothers with dislike, there was no reason for them to be yelling and hating on Sanji, just because he was weaker when they were younger and they weren't didn't mean anything, well to her that is. She cares for Sanji, and she knows he knows it.

Sanji still had yet to say anything to the words thrown at him, he would tense at every word his 'brothers' said to him. He felt a hand grab onto his, he looked slightly over and saw Luffy looking at him with a small smile and mouthed, ' say something', and so he did.

"What do you want", He said coldly as he glared at his 'brothers'.

Sanji looked at Reiju and smiled slightly at her, she was the only sibling that cared for him still even after their mother died.

"You are a mistake to the family, working as a cook, and bad at that you're a pirate", Yonji said with disgust.

"I disowned MYSELF from this horrible family I was forced to be a part of, I was almost glad when Big mom had you all except Reiju at your end", Sanji said with so much hatred it almost made Luffy and the rest flinch.


" Mother would have been disappointed to see what her other son's became", Sanji said as he turned back to what he was doing before.

" Yeah and now she dead so she really can't do that can sh-" Neji was cut off with a kick in the face as the other's looked with wide eyes.

Sanji was breathing heavily as he moved forward just a little.

"You little! you will not disrespect MY mother in front of me or did you forget she is your mother as well bitch", Sanji said as he tried to calm down his breathing and anger.

Neji got up and headed for the door as he mumbled something along the words 'useless' and 'freak', the other two brothers go after their blue headed brother but not before giving Sanji a glare.

"You can leave too you know Reiju", Sanji said as he stared at the door.

"I can, but I won't for right now at least, I will have to go after our so called brothers, I also see Luffy-san is here, but you trust him enough as I could see that he missed a chance to go straight to Wano just to bring you back to him, our brothers are immature but I can sense something different, I know you want nothing to do with them but... no rather want to see it, just don't let them get to you, because that was a way to get what they wanted from you", Reiju said as she smiled and walked away in search of her bothersome siblings.

Sanji's breathing evened out as he felt arms go around his waist and a body lean against his back. He smiled as he held Luffy's hands, his anger melted as he turned around properly let himself get hugged, he rested his head on Luffy's head and sighed. 

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