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As a young girl Nova Greene was always fascinated by Astronomy, but you could say she adopted it from her mum. Her mum being a muggle and an astrologer at that. Her favourite thing being the stars, just like Nova. Thus why she named her daughter after a star.

Nova's dad was a wizard though, making her half-blood, and taught her all about magic at a young age. Her father always had a feeling that she was going to be a wizard no doubt, so he had no problem teaching her an she had no problem learning.

That was another thing about Nova, once she picked up a book there was no putting it down. She was always eager to learn, so once she finished a book she started another.

What house she was going to be placed into was a mystery to her father because he himself was a Gryffindor, but there was no telling what lied beneath Nova's head.

Her parents were then ecstatic when they learned she was sorted into Ravenclaw. Her mum had to get an explanation of the house itself and what it stood for from Nova and her husband, but was happy when she thought it was the perfect house for her daughter.

The happiness only lasted for so long because of the tragic accident that happened later in Nova's first year.

Her mother was driving home one rainy night from work and her car swerved on the road and killed her. It was a sad time for Greene family because Nova's mother was her rock.

Nova tried to stay strong like her mother always was, but she was eleven at the time and there was only so much a person could take. She did however have the support of her best friend, Mia.

Mia moved in across the street from Nova when they were both five years old, and were inseparable since. So when Nova's mum died it hit Mia hard too because she was like a second mother to her.

Nova's favourite place to go to in the castle was either by the lake or in the library, but her absolute favourite place was the astronomy tower. After her mother died she went almost every night. Mia would accompany Nova sometimes, but mostly left her alone.

Around the school the Marauders were known for their pranks, so when James stumbled upon Nova in the astronomy tower one night while he was hiding after almost being caught it was no surprise what he was doing.

James had seen Nova around the castle and in classes, but never took it upon himself to really pay attention to her. Sure she was stunning, but he was always chasing after Lily that he never got the chance to talk to her.

So James decided to make it his duty to come back every night and try to get to know her a little bit better.


So I pretty much have no idea what I am doing, but I hope you keep reading :)

Next update should be pretty soon. Don't forget to comment and vote if you liked it

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