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|Guilty Pleasure |


"That one right there is the big dipper," Nova pointed out north of the sky, "and the one next to it would be the little dipper." She completed the explanation and turned towards James who had his head tilted.

It was a while after winter break had ended and spring was not long away. The due met up for a nightly star gazing. James was slowly figuring out where all the constellations were with the help of Nova.

To get more comfortable James and Nova laid side by side on the floor of the Astronomy Tower to enjoy the night sky.

"They basically look like spoons." James said.

"I guess you're right." Nova chuckled. " Now, that one back there is called the Orion. Do you see it? It's really beautiful."

"Not really." James mumbled.

"You're not looking close enough." Nova huffed and moved his head slightly towards hers, "How about now?"

"Wow that's really something." James breathed out, but when Nova turned her head towards him he wasn't looking at the sky.

His eyes were locked on her, and Nova was suddenly aware of the proximity between them. It was silent and neither of them knew what to do next.

It's now or never, James thought.

It felt like an eternity had passed, but in reality only a few seconds. As James held Nova's gaze he couldn't help but shift his eyes towards her lips, and she had noticed.

Slowly, but surely, they leaned closer to each other like magnets and the pounding of their hearts was the only sound being heard.

Their lips were mere inches apart when Nova spoke in a whisper, "Did you know the Orion has some of the brightest stars in the sky?"

A husky chuckle escaped James' mouth, "Nova I think you are the cutest thing ever, but can you shut up for two seconds so I can kiss you?"

Nova didn't bother to reply and James didn't wait for one.

James reached out and pulled Nova towards him, one hand pressed gently behind her neck and lowered his lips against hers. With eyes closed they melted into each others grasp.

Nova's lips were softer than anything James could imagine and James' touch was so gentle Nova craved more. As is James could read her mind he moved one arm around her waist and pulled her close.

Nova responded hungrily and tried to get rid of any space between them as they fit together like two puzzle pieces. James' hands slid down her back of her neck and down her back, and their lips moved in a rhythm only they knew. Everything was as it was suppose to be.

The night was cool and the couple reflected by the moonlight.

During the kiss Nova felt herself fade away, taken by dreams and sweet anguish. Everything awakened by the simple action.

The best part about the whole thing was that both teens stopped thinking about the world around them and became each others guilty pleasure.

Then for the first time in a while everything made sense.


Oh my gosh, wow. This was incredibly fun to write and I hope you all loved it! Short but sweet I'm really happy.

Well let me know what you guys thought. Don't forget to comment and vote if you liked it. Until next time :)

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