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|Maps and Pranks|


"James, stop!" Nova scolded for the hundredth time, but was trying hard to contain her giggles.

James and her had been studying charms for the last hour and a half because of an exam they had coming up.

Nova didn't need the studying, but she knew James did so she tried to help him out that night. It just happens so to be that he hates studying.

So for the last hour James had been changing the subject and throwing prices of parchment paper at Nova's head.

She tried to be stern and get him to stop but her own giggles rose to the surface, and made James smile and continue. 

"Honestly James if you are going to pass the test you have to pay attention." Nova said.

James whined, "But this is boringgg! Let's do something fun instead!"

He hopped up to his feet and started walking towards the exit and discarding his books. He then stopped to turn around and stare at Nova.

"Well, come on then." He said impatiently.

Nova sighed, wandering around the castle at night was not allowed, but so was sneaking off to the astronomy tower at night.

After realizing she had nothing to lose she quickly but quietly crept out of the room to follow James.

He had stopped in the corridor with back facing Nova.

Nova walked up behind James and saw him staring down at a big, blank parchment paper with a concentrated expression on his face.

"Not to ruin the moment or anything, but that's blank." Nova informed him.

James turned to face her with an annoyed look on his face, " No shit, Nova."

"Just thought I'd tell you." She rolled her eyes.

James face suddenly became serious and he looked her straight in the eyes,"What I am about to show you is something that you cannot speak to with anyone else, okay?"

Nova suddenly got scared. Was he going to show her where he hid dead bodies? Oh god was he going to murder her and add her to the pile? Maybe he was going to need help burying bodies.

She shook her head and frowned, why was the only thoughts that came to mind about murders? It was probably all the late night horror movies she watched with her father over the summer.

Oh well.

Nova discarded all those thoughts and spoke with sincerity," I understand. You can trust me James."

"It's not me though Nova. I would be glad to show you but the marauders and I have sworn not to show anyone without consulting about it. So you can't tell them you know about this." He warned.

She nodded and gave a small smile of reassurance.

He pulled out his wand and pointed it at the parchment, "what are you-" She began to question, but was cut off by James.


Then the magic words were spoke,"I solemnly swear that I am up to no good."

As soon as James said those words a map started to appear on the paper.

Nova began to read along, "Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs, Purveyors of Aids to Magical Mischief Makers are proud to present The Marauders Map!" She exclaimed at the end.

"So you, Sirius, Remus, and Peter created this?" She questioned.

James nodded and opened it up. It was a map of the entire school.

It showed common rooms, bathrooms, the great hall, the quidditch field, and even the astronomy tower. Along the map was also a few foot steps moving, and some still, with names under them.

Nova's mouth was open slightly in awe. It was brilliant, and those four boys created it.

Not that she really doubted their smarts, especially with Remus, but this was amazing.

James was grinning ear to ear, "Do you like it?"

Nova nodded rapidly, "Yes, it's incredible!"

James was happy that he got to share something he was proud of with Nova because she shared her love for astrology to him, it was only fair.

A month ago he had no idea what he was getting himself into when he first met her, but he was glad that he did because this blossoming friendship with Nova has changed his life in the short time they have been together.

She was amazing and James was glad that he pulled that prank the night that he met Nova.

He was also glad she was there because without her who else would have late night conversations, teach him about the stars after he didn't pay attention in class, and help him study?

Certainly not Lily.

"Not that I'm complaining or anything," Nova started, "but what's the whole point of needing the map right now?"

"Well Nova, you and I are going to prank someone tonight." James grinned mischievously.


Yay second chapter is up! James and Nova bonding to be seen in the next chapter, I am so excited. I ship them so much and I need the love to happen right now.

ALSO, don't forget to comment and vote it you liked it :)

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