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|New Beginnings| 


True to his word James came back the next night and continued to do so for the next few weeks. Over the nights Nova and James got to know each other better than they would have in a year, and formed an unlikely friendship. 

After they got over the awkwardness of course.

The most horrendous night of them all was the first, Nova didn't really seem to mind that James came back the next night but it seemed as if the marauder did because he was nervous.

Not that it really showed, but Nova thought it was funny because around the school he was known to be a cocky git, but his attitude was different around her.

Most of the time, he was still made jokes and was acted way to confident at times.

He was still James.

On the first night though James made Nova almost want to cringe.

The first thing that came out of his mouth was,"Nice weather we're having."

Nova face palmed and sighed, "That is one of the worst ways to start a conversation. Never, I repeat never say that again." To which James reply was a loss of words and blushing.

"You know I don't bite." Nova patted the floor next to her.

James sauntered over to her and sat down a bit too close to Nova's liking, but she let it slide.

They were at the edge of the tower looking out onto the school grounds with a perfect view of the starry night.

James looked around warily,"Are you aware how dangerously close we are to falling?"

Nova gave him an annoyed look,"Oh no, of course not. I had no idea that half of my body is not in the building and that I could fall at any time given."

James pondered for a second," Considering that we are directly above the entrance I'm pretty sure that fall would give someone a scare."

Nova tried wanted to not laugh but ended up breaking into a grin," I'm No-"

"Nova."he interrupted.

She held an amazed look on her face," Wow, that's impressive. You can pay attention to something other than yourself."

James frowned.

Was that really what she thought of him?

"What do you mean?" He questioned. 

"Oh nothing, it's just that you only care about pranking, bullying Severus, and following lily around. So it comes as a surprise you actually know my name considering that you haven't spoken or glanced at me throughout these five years."

Nova stared at James for a second before breathing in deeply and looking away. She felt awkward at the random rant that just came out of her.

It's not that she was jealous or anything, it was just strange to Nova that out of no where James comes and finds her at one of her most vulnerable times.

After seeing the almost hurt look on his face she quickly add," Look I'm sorry. Just- why are you here?"

James didn't have a reply so he stuttered for a second,"Well- I- um - I just wanted to hang out- with you." He quickly added the end part.


"Well maybe I need a new sidekick. Sirius was getting old anyways." He smirked.

"Oh shut up. You and Sirius are like a power couple." She said.

James gasped and held a hand out to his heart," You know?! It was suppose to be a secret, but I guess the cat's out of the bag."

Nova softly hit his arm and a small smile crept upon her face.

That was the beginning to their friendship.


 Finally the first chapter is up! I'm not sure if I like the ending but oh well. 

Sorry if this chapter sucked, I just wanted to start out slow and get into their friendship, but fun stuff will be coming later on :)

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