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| Snowballs and Hand Holding |


It was only early into December when the snow started to fall from the sky; indicating that winter was near. Snowflakes gathered in bunches and created a field of snow everywhere you went.

Although it was snowing, the sun began to peak out behind the clouds and make the day feel brighter than it already was.

In the boys dormitory of Gryffindor Tower appeared James Potter frantically searching and dismantling the already messy room.

"Has anyone seen my other shoe?!" James yelled as he held up the opposite shoe to his converse pair.

Remus, who was sitting comfortably on his bed reading a book replied cheekily, "No, but I think there is a brush in the bathroom."

"I'm howling with laughter." James retorted.

Before Remus could reply Sirius came out of the bathroom with toothbrush in hand and threw the missing shoe towards James.

With quick reflexes he caught the shoe with ease and shot Sirius a great full look.

Remus shook his head with a sigh, "I still can't believe Nova agreed to go on a date with you, James. Not that you aren't a catch, but she is one of the smartest girls I know."

"Don't worry James, if I was a girl I would be thrilled to go on a date with you." Peter spoke up from his spot by the door as he laced his shoes.

The other Marauder boys shared a look before James replied, "Odd, but I appreciate it Wormtail."

James stood up and fixed his hair, "Well how do I look lads?"

The boys shared a look of mutual agreement, "Well done." Remus complimented.

"Go get 'er James." Sirius grinned and patted James' back as he made his way down the stairs and to the entrance.

While James waited for Nova he thought back to the night he first asked her out.

After leaving the library, James walked around the castle for a bit with a goofy smile on his face and high fived anyone who would pass by.

He quickly made his way through the common room, and almost didn't notice the redhead sitting at the fireplace reading a book before she spoke,

"Hey James." Lily said shyly.

James stood stunned for a moment and didn't reply. She called him by his first name and not some horrible nickname like toerag; which she uses often.

"Er, hi Lily." James nervously scratched the back of his neck. Lily frowned slightly before regaining her composure. He usually called her something loving like Lily Pad and she pretended to hate it, but secretly loved it.

"Why don't you join me for a while?" Lily suggested to the empty spot on the sofa next to her.

James thought for a moment, the girl of his dreams is finally coming to her senses. Except she wasn't the girl of his dreams anymore.

The girl of his dreams had beautiful, long brown hair, and piercing dark brown eyes that seemed to shine whenever the topic of astronomy was in place.

"Thanks, but no thanks. Have a good night Lily." James marveled and sauntered away.

The few people that were scattered about the common room broke into whispers at the rejection that just took place.

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