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| Irresponsibly in Love |


"I can't believe you are making me go to this dumb game when I could be in bed right now." Mia's voice whined as she walked along side Nova and down the staircases of the Castle.

Spring had just started, meaning the perfect weather for a Quidditch Game, and all anyone had talked about the whole week was the first match of the year between Gryffindor and Slytherin. Of course, Mia and Nova were not required to go to the game since it wasn't their house, but Nova wanted to support James.

To show her spirit Nova sported a burgundy and gold scarf she borrowed from Remus.

"It'll be fun Mia, plus you can get hot chocolate at the great hall before it starts." Nova bribed the girl and grinned in satisfaction once she saw Mia's eyes light up.

The Lewis girl could not resist chocolate and gave a reluctant nod.

Nova knew the girl's only weakness was chocolate and bought her a box full of them from Honeydukes for Christmas. Come to think of it Nova also bought the same thing for Remus. It was strange how similar and different the Mia and Remus were.

After the duo had finished breakfast they made their way to the Quidditch field among the other students. "Actually Mia you go on ahead, I have to go find James." Nova said, but rolled her eyes as Mia wiggled her eyebrows and made kissing noises. Ever since Mia found out about their kiss she would take every opportunity she had to make fun of Nova.

What Nova was about to do was crazy and would probably get her in a lot of trouble if she was to get caught, but she had to wish James good luck. He had been at practice a lot lately so they rarely got to see each other.

The boys locker room came into view and Nova sucked in a deep breath, she needed to have absolute guts and determination. Plus the ability to not gag at what wretched smell lies beneath the door. Nova pulled open the wooden door and was surprised it wasn't locked. The stench of smelly socks and sweat from previous practices engulfed her. This was before the game, and she could only imagine after.

A small hallway was seen first before any of the lockers were shown and Nova took a few reluctant steps before hearing the chatter of boys. A few gave her odd looks as she roamed around looking for a particular boy.

It was almost game time which meant most of the boys were in uniform and almost fully clothed. The exception of a few shirts off, but Nova wasn't complaining.

After a few seconds of looking around aimlessly Nova spoke up, "Does anyone know where-", but she was interrupted by all the boys pointing to the middle of locker room.  Nova followed their pointed fingers before she soon saw messy brown hair and cricked glasses which confirmed her suspicion, James.

She bid the boys a small thank you before appearing in James view. To Nova's dismay he was fully clothed.

"Bloody hell, Nova! What are you doing in here?" James whispered since he knew the boys in the locker room liked to be nosy.

"I came to say good luck since we haven't seen each other in days, so good luck." Nova giggled lightly once she realized how silly she sounded.

James chuckled because he found her to be so adorable, " That's sweet, thanks Nova. I really appreciate how much you're supporting me. Even though you hardly know anything about Quidditch." He pointed out.

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