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| Unspoken Tragedies |

*Tissues may be needed*


The next morning James sat in the Great Hall biting his nails with his eyes glued to the door. The Marauders around him kept small chat but were aware or his behavior. Remus gently laid a hand upon his shoulder making James jump. He was nervous and he couldn't help it. Last night was one of the biggest mistakes he's ever made in his life.

He knew he hurt Nova and he needed to see her and make everything right,but the clock ticked away  and still no sign of her. "Give it a rest, mate." Sirius caught his attention.

James made no attempt to reply and returned to watch the entrance. The boys shared a sigh before continuing their conversation. Mia appeared and James'heart began to race, she was coming. Behind Mia was Adam and Chloe, but no Nova. He hurriedly looked towards Mia as she sat down and caught her eyes.

She gave him a tight lipped smile and shook her head, "not today." she mouthed.

James slumped down in disappointment,"Mate she'll come around" Sirius reasoned to make him feel better, but James couldn't help to feel worse. He nodded his head to convince himself but deep down he knew she wouldn't.

Nova laid in bed the rest of the day ignoring what responsibilities she had as she clutched a worn out photograph of her mother: A bright smile played upon her lips and crinkled eyes showed her happiness.

Nova held the portrait tightly, it was times like these she wished her mother was alive so she could owl her and let her know everything twisted going on in her life, but that wasn't the case. Nova was stuck to be lonely is this world full of people as she felt herself disappearing.

Days passed on where Nova would do everything in her waking moment to avoid glancing or even speaking to James. Meals were spent sitting the farthest away from the Potter boy and eaten quickly to get out of the same room as him. Classes the two had together were filled with thick tension and everyone in the room could feel it.

More than ever Lily had tried to be around James as much as she could, making the situation worse but James couldn't bring himself to tell her to go away. Her presence brought him warmth for the absence in his life, but he made no attempt to date her just copy her homework in the common room and sit next to her in class.

No matter how many times James had tried to reach Nova there was always someone there to block their communication.

At night James would be at the Astronomy Tower with the hope that Nova would appear and magically run into his arms if she saw him, but that was always just apart of James' imagination getting the best of him. She never showed up and he waited hour after hour.

Their once sacred place of comfort that was filled with light was ruined into a cold and dark place that neither wanted to step foot into again.

Days turned into weeks and James' hope was thrown up in flames while Nova was left to be a mess.

Nights that Nova once spent at the Astronomy Tower were now spent in the common room with Xenophilius as she told him all her feelings, conveniently he was a great shoulder to lean on and was great company, not the same as James but he filled the void.

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