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| Library and A Date |


It was very rare that a person would see James Potter in the library. It was known that he just did not come to study or do homework.

James stalked in with confidence, but was quickly overwhelmed with confusion.

Not that the library was such a complex place, but he had not taken the time to memorize it like every other room in Hogwarts.

James walked about the library for a few minutes before stumbling upon what he was searching for. As he made his way towards her a spark of red caught his attention in the corner of his eye.

Across the room was the girl he was madly in love with and had been since first year: Lily Evans. 

James glanced back at the other end of the room and saw her. She sat with a Gryffindor boy he knew all to well as they finished their homework that James made a note to copy.

He ran his fingers through his hair and messed it up even more than it already was, and sighed.

James couldn't help but admire her for a second. She had her hand pressed against her cheek as it held her head up; She seemed to be tired lately. Maybe from all the midnight talks they have been having.  A small smile appeared on her lips as the boy she was with cracked a joke, and James wished he was the one making her smile.

He then turned back to face Lily. She was reading a book, like she always seemed to be, with an amused expression. Her face was pulled back into a pony tail making her rosy cheeks visible.

Lily's eyebrows furrowed as she read a passage, and James grinned because she looked adorable.

Forgetting all about the other girl James strutted his way to Lily before slowly coming to a halt half way.

Something didn't feel right. His mind screamed Lily, but his heart yearned for Nova.

James quickly hid behind a bookshelf before the Evans girl saw him. The last thing he needed was for her to walk away.

He glanced back at Nova and saw the boy bidding her goodbye. James hit his head against the shelf in attempt to clear his head, a bad idea he soon realized. He couldn't have both girls and he knew it, so he had to decide on one, for now. Or we can all be friends, he thought.

No he was being silly, that never works.

As he made his mind up he adjusted his glasses and got up.

James quietly approached the girl from behind as he covered her eyes with his hands. She gasped in surprise before clutching her quill.

"Guess who?" James questioned mischievously.

"Hmm, could it be an obnoxious boy by the name James Potter?" She answered with a smile playing on her lips.

"Wrong. I think you meant to say a god in which your worship," He said with a smug smile on his lips as he took a seat across from her. 

"So, what are you doing here on this fine evening?" James pondered as she organized the table.

"Remus and I were just finishing our transfiguration homework, something you outta do more often. Honestly it wasn't that hard." Nova scolded him.

He rolled his eyes, she was always nagging him about homework. Not that he minded though it was nice to see someone, besides Moony,  cared about his academic life.

"If you say it wasn't that hard then it definitely was. You know I always end up copying Remus anyways."

The conversation was soon dropped and a silence was put across them. They sat there staring at one another for a few moments.

Not in an uncomfortable way, but sort of in a adoring way.

Nova studied his face, more importantly his hair; She loved his hair.

It was always messy and she just wanted to run her fingers through it and mess it up and even more. She then looked into his hazel eyes and saw that he too was analyzing her.

Heat rose to Nova's cheeks as she avoided his gaze and focused on his tie.

It was crooked.

She shook her head and chuckled, everything about this boy seemed to be disoriented, but it was what she liked the most about him.

James cleared his throat and broke the silence,"Are you by any chance going on the trip to Hogsmeade this weekend?"

"I am actually, why?" Her curiosity was peaked.

"I was wondering if maybe you wanted to browse around and maybe get a drink at Three Broomsticks, or something, together?" He asked as he ran his fingers through his hair.

Nova grinned, James was nervous. He never got nervous and she liked the idea that he got nervous around her.

"Like as friends or-" She was interrupted.

"I mean only if you'd like, we can be whatever." James stammered out.

Get a grip man!

He was a pro at asking Lily out all the time so we was he having so much trouble right now?

Nova then spoke, "Yeah, it seems like fun I can't wait."

She gathered all her things and stuffed them into her bag as she stood up.

James was dumbfounded, she actually said yes.

A grin spread across his face as he turned in his chair to watch her walk away.

"A DATE THEN?!" James called after her, but was then shushed by a handful of people.  He ignored them of course.

An amused smile appeared on Nova's face as she confirmed,"A date."  She then proceeded to exit the library.

James turned around in his chair and fist pumped the air and whispered,"Yes!". That went better than he anticipated.

What he didn't know was at the table he originally intended to go to Lily was watching the entire interaction.

A small pang appeared in her chest as she felt jealous because James was chasing someone other than herself. Even though Lily would have never admitted it, she liked their silly banter over nothing.

She should have been happy that the burden of James Potter was being lifted off her chest, but she didn't.


This was sort of a filler chapter I guess, and I was a little weary about posting this because it sucked tbh. omg we are finally getting somewhere!! An official date, how exciting is that?!

Okay so I know Lily and James don't become a thing until like 7th year, but a girl can have feelings deep under all her hatred for him because lets all face it nobody can resist James ;)

Speaking of Lily, what do you guys thing about her? Is she going to stir up trouble?  

Posting this on Christmas because it is my gift to you guys, Merry Christmas. 

Don't forget to comment and vote if you liked it. Until next time xx

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