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| Love Not Forgotten |


It was different seeing each other the second time around. It came as a surprise rather because neither were prepared. As Nova sat at a booth facing the wall of Three Broomsticks with drooping eyes and a chunky scarf, she didn't realize the mischievous treasures planned by Remus and Mia.

A week prior the duo spent restless nights at the library where they knew they wouldn't be disturbed, and conjured up a brilliant plan. After much begging had taken place in the girls dormitories, Mia had convinced Nova to get out of bed for what was suppose to be a girls day at Hogsmeade.

Remus had done the same with James except he threatened to brush James' hair as he exclaimed, "IT BRUSHES ITSELF!"

The small pub was warm and crowded as heaps of people poured in and out after getting their fill of butterbeer or firewhiskey. Nova grew restless as she and Mia sat and waited for their drinks that Mia claimed she ordered, "What's taking so long? Usually it pours itself like that." Nova snapped her fingers to prove her point as she looked around at everyone drinking and enjoying themselves.

A nervous smile appeared on Mia's face as she had left that duty to Remus, but it seemed that he had taken his sweet time roaming around Zonkos the last time she saw him. Mia rolled her eyes at the thought and turned to face the door hoping the boys would appear. A moment later the door chimed signaling the entrance of costumers and Mia let out a relived sigh as it was just the people she was hoping for. She subtly waved at Remus to let him know where they sat as Nova checked her nails absentmindedly. "Oh the drinks should be here at any moment." Mia reassured.

Not soon after she said those words did glasses of butterbeer appear on the middle of the table in front of them. "Oh thank Merlin I was starting to-" Nova reached for a glass when she realized there was four glasses instead of two. She finally looked up and saw the figure of someone she had been avoiding, James. Remus stood behind him as James saw the situation unfold in front of his eyes and tried to leave but Remus was quick to push his body into the booth and cornered him so he wouldn't get out.

Nova turned to Mia and gave her a look of disbelief before doing the same to Remus, "What do you guys think you're doing? You have no right meddling." She snapped and everyone at the table flinched because they were use to Nova being a genuinely happy person.

Mia took it upon herself to answer, "As two people who care for the well being of both of you, we-" She signaled with her fingers between Remus and her, "-we want you to be happy and not hate the world around you. We are not leaving here until this situation is resolved because we can't handle the two of you not speaking." Mia demanded out of breath.

"I have nothing to say to him." Nova crossed her arms and leaned back in her chair. Nova would admit that she looked childish, but it was the truth everything was left back in that broom closet.

James took in Novas appearance for the first time in a while, her usually brushed hair was messily put back into a braid and her eyes once full of light held dark circles underneath them indicating she was not getting enough sleep. His heart became pained as he noticed it was his fault her beauty wasn't reaching the full potential because of him. None the less she still took his breath away with every sigh she let escape her mouth.

She sat across from him yet her eyes looked anywhere but him.

"Just to set the record," James cleared his throat, "I didn't know you would be here. They must've set this up. Us meeting again I mean." He stammered out.

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