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| Reinforcements |


Friendship was always important to Mia, as it would be to most people, so as she held her best friend's crying figure she knew that something had to be done and someone had to pay; she knew exactly who.

As soon as Mia heard soft snores envelope the dorm she gently pushed Nova off of her and tucked her into bed as best as she could without waking her. She discarded the worn out tank top and polka dot pajamas that preoccupied her body and changed into something more appropriate to take on the Saturday.

No attention was being payed as Mia quickly walked past the Ravenclaw common room and out of the portrait and the greetings sent her way from her peers were responded with a sloppy wave of the hand. Mia was usually such a sociable person but at the moment she was on a mission. Her legs rapidly followed each step down the staircase and didn't stop until they heard a rumble. Mia stopped and listened closely before realizing that the growling was coming from her own stomach. Being so busy with Nova all morning Mia didn't get a chance to have breakfast, and boy she got cranky when she skipped meals.

The tall brown doors taunted Mia as she stood in front of them debating whether or not she could swiftly run in and have some scrambled eggs and bacon. Mia knew that she would never leave if she walked into the Great Hall and sat down at the beautiful wooden table she adored and wished to live at.

With a shake of the head Mia took a step forward and continued her pursue but not getting far after crashing into the body of another. She bent down to retrieve the book that other person had dropped before a voice interrupted her, "You don't have to it was my fault."

It was none other than Remus Lupin.

Mia hadn't had much interaction with the boy considering he was in Gryffindor, but she did have him for a few classes and the two were paired together every once in a while. And it was no doubt Remus was a handsome boy so Mia had no problem being around him.

She picked up the book anyways and ignored his protests and handed it to him with a warm smile. Mia also noticed the way his eyes lit up when their hands brushed against each other in the exchange.

A chuckle escaped Remus' lips as his eyes caught sight of what Mia was wearing, "You look really cute in that sweater."

Mia had been wearing a navy blue sweater with the head of a wolf covering the middle, it had been a birthday present from her mom and it was one of her favorites. "You're making me blush Remus stop it!"

The duo stood there for a few more seconds just enjoying each others presence when Mia suddenly remembered she had something to do and a small scowl appeared on her features, "Believe me I would love to stay and chit chat but I have to go kill someone."

"Maybe you would be better... at not killing anyone." Remus let out a laugh before seeing the serious expression on Mia's face. "Please don't kill anyone."

Without anymore explanation Mia spun on the heels of her feet and walked past Remus and into the courtyard, his footsteps could be heard behind her but she ignored him. Mia then spotted her target sitting in the usual spot by the small fountain with her entourage and headed straight toward them.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Mia demanded and stood with her hands on her hips.

The redhead sitting in front of her didn't bat an eyelash before turning to look at her friends and giving them a knowing look before sighing, "Listen I don't know what your problem is-"

"You are my problem Lily." Mia took a step closer as a sign of not backing down and continued, "I'm trying to think of reasons why you think it's okay to be a boyfriend stealing maniac who ruins other peoples lives because I can't think of any besides the fact that you're a psycho."

The Evans girl stood up to reach Mia's height, "Last time I checked James wasn't dating anyone."

Mia groaned internally considering that was true but anyone with eyes could see the two had something going on. She retaliated, "Only because you got in the way." Mia then dropped her voice into a whisper for only Lily to hear, "My best friend is bawling her eyes out from the mess that you created and if you think i'm going to let that go you're mistaken."

Lily's eyes had softened slightly before she began to whisper as well, "I didn't mean to hurt anyone, honestly, but recently I've found James Potter to be handsome and funny and it didn't occur to me until now what I was missing out on."

With eyes narrowed Mia demanded, "I reckon you stay away from James if you know what's good for you." Taken aback the redhead took a step back and gasped.

Mia smoothed out her sweater before turning on her heel and was about to leave the courtyard before an idea popped into her head. She swiftly turned around, "And one more thing Evans," Before Lily knew what was going on a she felt hands grip her shoulders and push her into the small fountain behind her with a loud splash.

All the students in the premises stopped what they were doing and it was dead silent as Lily sat gasping for air.

"That was for Nova." Mia smirked and met a baffled Remus at the entrance, and didn't dare turn back to see the masterpiece she created; Lily drenched in water with a single lily pad in her hair.

Remus lead the now adrenaline pumping girl through the castle and stopped when they arrived at the black lake. The Lewis girl was silent the entire time and just held a constant grin. Remus began to get worried and shook the girls arm gently, "Well say something then Mia!" he insisted.

Mia turned to look him in the eyes and rejoiced, "That felt damn good!"

Mia Lewis was always taught to express her voice and stand up for herself as a young girl but she had never been in an argument that got physical, even if it was for a split second. That's why she was left with such a rush and the urge to punch anything in sight. Mia was glad she pushed Lily into the fountain because it meant she stood up for what she believed in.

Remus shook his head and chuckled, "For a second I actually thought you were going to kill her, but I kept my faith. That was really good what you did back there, standing up for Nova I mean. It was also one of the dumbest things I have ever seen."

"Don't worry it was a one time thing." Mia reasoned and stared out into the lake with Remus standing close to her. Their hands mere inches apart and dangling in the air but neither made the action to close the distance until Remus' fingertips jolted up and held onto hers.

For a moment Mia seemed unfazed before looking down at their entwined hands and her eyes widened before her eyes reached Remus' and a faint blush appeared on his cheeks.

Maybe it was from the adrenaline rush or maybe it was the sunlight hitting Remus' face that made him look more attractive but Mia suggested, "I think you and I should spare ourselves a lot of uncoolness and hang out a bit more."

"I will take you up on that offer." Remus chimed. After a silence he spoke once more, "So what are we going to do next?"

"We are going to repair a ship and I have a plan." Mia explained. Remus furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, "We have a ship?"

Mia rolled her eyes slightly and pulled his arm to walk back to the castle, "Remus dear don't worry about it."


The dream team to the rescue.
Plus a little taste of what could be Remia.
Next chapter should be exciting, I have a little reunion planned ;) so I hope you check it out.

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