Rhyme 21

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Dear friends,

As I sit down to pen this letter, my heart aches with a heavy burden.

This letter will serve as my open letter to all of you before I go to a place where I can finally have the freedom and happiness that I have always longed for

a place where I'll never feel pain and sadness again.

But before I bid you farewell, there are some things that I need to say.
Things that have been weighing on my mind for far too long.

Friends, why is it that every time I need you, you seem to be missing in action? Am I not important enough to you? Am I not worthy of your time and attention?

I know that I can be annoying at times, but why can't you be there for me when I need you the most
? Maybe you'll say that I never told you about my problems, and that's why you weren't there for me. But do I really need to spell out my troubles for you? Can't you see the pain in my eyes? Can't you hear the desperation in my voice?

Every day is a battle for me - a battle that I fight alone.

There are voices in my head that keep telling me that something bad will happen if I don't do this or that. It's like I'm caught in a never-ending cycle of fear and anxiety, and it's hard for me to face this inner battle alone.

I need you, my friends. But you are all so busy with your own lives that you don't have time for me. And I understand that. I really do. But it still hurts...

You might think that I'm mad at you for not being there for me, but that couldn't be further from the truth. I could never be mad at you because I love you all more than anything in this world...

No, I'm not mad at you. I'm mad at myself for burdening you with my problems. I'm sorry that I couldn't be stronger, that I couldn't handle things on my own...

But now it's time for me to go. Time for me to leave this world behind and find the peace that has always eluded me. I'm sorry for leaving you all behind, but I hope that someday you'll understand why I had to do this...

Until then, my friends, please remember that I love you all. And always will...

With heavy heart and tear-filled eyes,



As I read through the letter, tears streamed down my face.

How could I have missed the pain in my friend's eyes? Why didn't I reach out to her when I had the chance?

Regrets flooded my mind as I realized that I had been so wrapped up in my own life that I had neglected the needs of someone who meant so much to me...

I felt guilty for not being there for her, for not being a better friend.

I wished that I could turn back time,
that I could have done something to ease her pain.

But now it was too late. My friend had already made the decision to leave this world, and there was nothing I could do to bring her back.

I was filled with sadness as I thought about all the times I could have been there for her, but wasn't. I wished I had been more understanding, more patient, more attentive...

But now all those chances were gone...

As I looked back on our friendship, I realized that I had taken my friend for granted...

I had assumed that she would always be there, that our bond was unbreakable...

But now I saw that I had been wrong.

My heart was heavy with the weight of my friend's pain and the regret of not being a better friend. But I knew that I had to hold on to the love we shared, and the memories we had created together...

I promised myself that from now on, I would be more aware of the people around me. I would take the time to listen, to understand, to support. I wouldn't let my own life get in the way of being there for those who needed me...

My friend's letter had opened my eyes to the importance of being a true friend, and I vowed to honor her memory by being the best friend I could be to others...


From the author.

Dear readers,

Let us be the shining light for those we love,

A beacon of support, a safety net above.

For though they may suffer in silence and pain,

Our kindness and care can help them regain.

It's not always easy to see what lies within,

The depths of sorrow, the struggles therein.

But with empathy and compassion in our heart,

We can be the one to make a brand new start.

Let's build a haven of trust and understanding,

Where our friends can feel safe, their fears expanding.

And though they may not speak of what they feel,

We'll be there to help them, their wounds to heal.

So let us be the one to offer a hand,
A friend in need, a light in the land.

For when we show love, kindness, and grace,

We make the world a better, brighter place.

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