Rhyme 23

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It started with a chat,
Just a simple scroll and a double-tap.
Your picture caught my eye, what a hook,
And in that moment, my heart was shook.

I clicked on your profile, took a peek,
And before I knew it, I was in too deep.
I sent you a message, trying to play it cool,
Hoping you'd reply, and not think I was a fool.

And reply you did, with a simple "why?",
My heart skipped a beat, I felt so alive.
I pretended it was a mistake, just a misclick,
But we kept talking, and our connection grew quick.

A month went by, and you courted me like a queen,
I surrendered myself, lost in a dream.
We met in person, and I foolishly gave you my heart,
But then, just like that, you tore us apart.

Blocked me on everything, left me in the dark,
I was left wondering if it was all just a lark.
But then a message from you, and my heart skipped a beat,
Until I read the words that knocked me off my feet.

"Stop flirting him," it read, and I felt my heart break,
Was it your wife or girlfriend, for goodness sake?
I didn't know, and it didn't matter,
Our love story had ended, shattered and shattered.

And now, all that's left is this memory,
Of a love that started with a chat, but ended with misery.
But maybe, just maybe, someday we'll meet again,
And our story won't end with a chat, but with a love that never ends.

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