Chapter 1

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hello there! this is MY fanfic on ao3. i have posted it on here and will *hopefully* be posting a chapter everyday until you guys are caught up!

welcome to my fanfic. hopefully i remember to update this frequently but we will see. i am not new to the fnaf fandom BUT i still do not fully understand the lore. however, i think i understand it enough to write a fanfic about this! if i get anything wrong please let me know! thanks and i hope you enjoy!

Elizabeth and Evan ran, giggling to each other as Michael counted. They glanced at each other while running, trying to find the perfect hiding spot. Evan liked moments like these, it took away the torment Michael prodded him with. Evan and Elizabeth, however, had a very different relationship with each other than he had with Michael. The two of them were joined at the hip. If you saw Elizabeth, Evan was not very far behind. They were always together. No one could separate them, many adored the relationship the siblings shared as it wasn't seen very often within families. Evan soon noticed Michael was getting closer to 20 and they still haven't found a hiding spot. Elizabeth gasped, suddenly getting a great idea and dragged her little brother to a ball pit, dragging him inside with her. Their hands were interlocked as they giggled quietly, thinking they found the perfect spot. Then things around them started to change and they grasped each others hands even tighter. All of a sudden the quietness of their dad's pizzeria had exploded with laughter of other children. Elizabeth glanced at Evan with a confused look before climbing out, dragging Evan out with her. "What the-" Elizabeth had started to say before they both jumped at the sound of laughter behind them, turning around they saw an animatronic.

"Hello there, new friends! Where are your parents? Did they sign you in?" The jester-looking animatronic asked as it bounced side-to-side. Evan hid behind Elizabeth, animatronics had always scared him. One hand still rested with hers while his other arm held onto his beloved Fredbear plush. Elizabeth noticed her brothers shyness and took initiative, responding to the surprisingly tall animatronic (she began to understand why Evan was so scared of the animatronics, this one began to scare her too). "They already left and yeah..they uh- signed us in.." She said, before muttering "whatever that means..." which caused Evan to giggle. The Sun animatronic nodded and continued to dance around them two of them. "Well, I am Sun! But you can call me Sunny! Some of the kiddos decide to call me Sundrop, which is slightly wrong as it is what our candy is called but it is quite alright! I know what the little ones mean. What are your names new friends?" Sun had asked. Evan didn't understand how an animatronic could be so human and so hyper, it confused him and it seemed to confuse Elizabeth as well.

"Im Elizabeth and this is my little brother Evan!" Elizabeth said, their hands still interlocked. Evan smiled nervously up at the animatronic. Sun noticed Evan's nervousness and decided this was a better job for Moon to do. "Would you like to meet my brother, Moon? He looks just like me but he's blue!" Evan and Elizabeth looked at each other, having a silent conversation before nodding. Sun laughed happily and nodded, patting the two on their heads before skipping off. "Liz, where- what- this is not the pizzeria!" Elizabeth nodded, just as confused as her brother. "I don't understand either Evie but we got each other, right?" Elizabeth asked as Evan nodded, their grip on each other only tightened. Sun soon came prancing back with who seemed to be named Moon and a little boy trailing behind them. "Oh shit! New kids!" Sun gasped and turned around as Moon snickered, glancing over at the kid. "Gregory! No swearing in the daycare!" Gregory only smiled up innocently at Sun as he shook his head. "Moony, these are two new friends! Elizabeth and Evan." Moon nodded, noticing how scared Evan was and sat down. "Hello there, starlight..would you like to hear a story?" Elizabeth's eyes widened in wonderment before nodding and tugged Evan to sit down once she sat down. Gregory looked at the two in confusion but shrugged it off, new kids come here all the time. Gregory sat down beside them and introduced himself before Moon pulled out a few books while Sun tended to the other children. "We have a few options, starlights.." The petname gave Evan a warm feeling, something that was very rare in the Afton household so he decided to bask in it while he had the chance. He had no idea when they would be going home.

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