Chapter 5

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William looked around the room, panic flooding through him. "Woah, Will, you alright there?" William looked over at Henry confused, why wouldn't he be alright? "Why wouldn't I be-" William felt his own face. Oh. He was crying. "Oh uh...yeah I'm okay..." Henry frowned and walked over to William, looking at him worriedly. "You sure? I've never seen you cry before.." William sniffled, glancing away before suddenly hugging Henry as he started to cry. All three of his kids are missing, probably with no trace and it was breaking him. "Oh, William.." Henry whispered before wrapping his arms around William, rubbing the taller man's back. "It's alright, Will..." Henry said softly, then slowly pulling away from the hug. Henry glanced up at William's lips, before back into his eyes. William froze, his face reddening a little as time felt frozen around them. William swore they were leaning in. Their lips were about to kiss when a loud ring was heard. Henry cleared his throat and quickly backed up, looking over at the phone. "I uh- gotta answer that-" Henry said, William nodding slowly as Henry sped walk over there.

"What the fuck was that...?" William asked quietly, why was he feeling this way? It made no sense. His thoughts were cut off by Henry suddenly speaking. "Let's go check the cams. Maybe something is there that we can look at." Henry said, William nodded as he followed Henry and sat in the chair. William pulled up the cams as Henry leaned over him, one arm over his shoulder. William's face heated up as he glanced up at Henry, his eyes falling down to his lips. Why was he so- oh. Oh. William quickly shook his head, now was not the time. His son was now also missing. "William? The cams?" "Right, right. Sorry." William quickly apologized before pulling up the feed from earlier. "There's Michael..he looks panicked. Wait- why are the animatronics walking to him?" Henry questioned. William's eyes widened as the animatronics got closer, Freddy's arm raising before the camera cut off. "What the fuck? What happened to the cams?!" William asked, panicked. "I- I don't know!" Henry said, grabbing the mouse and tried fixing the feed but nothing worked. "It's like he just...disappeared." William sighed and tugged on his hair. What the fuck was going on here?


"Bonnie! We have to go to the daycare!" Freddy shouted, running over to Bonnie. "Wha- why?" "The kids! They got hurt!" Freddy said worriedly. Bonnie nodded and grabbed Freddy's paw, beginning to run towards the daycare. He was scared. How bad was it? Did they need stitches? He hoped none of them got stabbed. He knew one thing though. He and Freddy were going to kill Vanny.

Michael screamed as he popped out of the ball pit, looking around what seemed to be a daycare. Where was he? Is this where his siblings went off to? He hoped so. Maybe they were safe here. "Hello, new fri- You are too old to be here! Who are you?" Michael jumped, looking over. It was a new animatronic. "I'm Michael. Where are we? Who are you?!" Michael climbed out, not taking his eyes off the animatronic. "I am Sun! It is nice to meet you, Michael! Now, why are you here?" Sun asked, skipping over to Michael who took a step back instead. "I am looking for my-" "Mikey?" A small voice asked, Michael knew that voice. He slowly turned around, seeing the two people who he's been looking for this whole time. "Liz? Evan?! Oh my god..." Michael said, his eyes tearing up before sprinting towards his two siblings. He gently took Evan out of Moon's arms and grabbed Elizabeth, pulling the two into a tight hug as he started sobbing. "Oh thank god.." He said quietly, holding the two close to his chest. Evan sobbed into Michael's chest, holding onto him as Elizabeth did too. "We missed you so much, you dummy!" Elizabeth said with a sob, looking up at her big brother. "Oh, I missed you two as well.." Michael said quietly, smiling as he wiped their eyes.

"Are you two o- your leg, Evan! What happened?!" Elizabeth sniffled, looking down at the floor. "This crazy bunny lady attacked us.." She said quietly, Michael's eyes widened. "Oh...I am so sorry." Michael said, Elizabeth and Evan shook their heads. "No! It's not your fault!" "No. I should've protected you more. We shouldn't have played hide-and-seek that day. Next time, do not go into any ball pits without my permission okay?" Michael said, gently placing a hand on both of their faces as they nodded. "Good..." Michael let out a breath of relief. "Let me see that leg, Ev." Michael said, Evan showed it to Michael and let out a hiss of pain. "Well it isn't as bad as the scrapes I get from skateboarding. You will get a badass scar though!" Michael said, trying to cheer up his baby brother. "No cursing in the daycare!" Sun suddenly said, crossing his arms as he glared at Michael. "Sorry, Sun. Habit." Michael apologized, wrapping up Evan's cut. "There you go, buddy," Michael said softly, ruffling Evan's hair who giggled. "Is daddy okay?" Elizabeth suddenly asked, seeming worried. Michael sighed and nodded, looking over at her. "He good as he can be. Or was? Not sure how he is currently now that I am missing...But we will find him soon, okay? We will get out of here. I promise." Elizabeth nodded before leaning into Michael's arms.

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