Chapter 2

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hello!! thank you so much for the support in this story so far! it really means a lot to me. not sure how long this story will actually be but i do know how this story will end and then how the next story in this series will begin. i hope this story makes sense. i have the basic idea of this chapter and story. so i hope you enjoy!

William sighed nervously as he paced back and fourth, fumbling with his fingers. The police hadn't found anything. "Mr. Afton, have you spoken to your ex wife Clara at all?" Now that question caught William by surprise. Clara had left them after Evan was born, leaving William to raise his 3 children alone. The kids didn't like her and he could even see Michael freeze up at the mention of her name.

William looked at the two police officers and shook his head, "No. I haven't spoken to her and neither have my kids. Besides, what has she got to do with this?! She hasn't been involved in their lives and she doesn't even deserve the title of being called their mother." William stated bitterly, venom laced in his tone. "Even so," The officer sighed, writing something down in his notebook. "When children go missing, 99% of the time they are with another parent or relative. So we cannot rule her out. Do you have her last known address?" William groaned. He hated police officers, they were trash and never did their jobs properly.

"I don't know her address. Like I said. I have not spoken to her." The officer nodded and gathered his things. "Thank you for your cooperation, Mr. Afton. We will be in contact soon." The officer said before leaving. William sighed and sat, beginning to talk to Henry.

Michael sat in his dad's office, heading in there after the officers have left. 'we know what happened...' Michael jumped at the sound of a child-like voice. "Huh?! Who's there? Show yourself!" Michael said, looking around the room in a panic. 'Calm down, Michael. We can help you' Another voice replied.

This was scaring Michael to be honest. Who was talking and where did their voices come from?! 'Your brother and sister are in danger..or future danger.' The voice said vaguely. "What the hell is that supposed to mean?!" Michael said, a little too loudly. 'Will you be quiet?! We do not want your father to hear us.' Michael looked panicked as he glanced around the room, letting out a yelp of surprise when he noticed the souls of 5 children. "What the- who- huh?!" Michael stuttered as the souls glanced at each other with a sigh. 'I told you he wouldn't take seeing us well!' One of them said, another one groaning. 'Well how was I supposed to know, Cassidy?!' Cassidy sighed, pinching her nose. 'Is the security guard running out in the middle of their shift after you chasing them not a good enough hint for you or do I need to explain it out to you?'

Michael just stared at the souls in shock, "Oh dad's animatronics are haunted. Just what I wanted..." Michael muttered. 'Now...' Cassidy said as she stepped closer. 'If you be quiet, will you let us speak and explain where your siblings went off to?' Her voice was almost threatening, it was terrifying to Michael as he nodded slowly. Cassidy looked at the others as they nodded. Of course, she wasn't going to tell him everything. Michael needed to figure most of this out on his own but she figured she would give him a push in the right direction. 'Things here have time-traveling capabilities, Michael..and your siblings just so happened to run into it. Or well, jump into it I should say..' Cassidy said, her response only confusing Michael more. What did she mean by that? Even if she was right, how could Michael know to trust them? For all he knew, they could be telling him lies and were working with whoever took his siblings. Time-travel? Here? It sounded silly, almost stupid.

Michael was about to respond when the souls were gone. "Hello?! Are you there?! Tell me more! What happened?!" To any outsiders, he was sure he sounded crazy. William and Henry came into the office, looking concerned. "Michael? You alright in here? We heard yelling. Michael flinched and looked towards them, letting out a breath before nodding "Yeah i'm alright..just thought I saw something I guess..."

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