Chapter 9

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"Go forward, then are almost there." Michael blindly followed the voice that had helped him during the week. He wasn't sure why. Her voice gave him a sense of trust, almost like he knew her. "I've always wondered...what has made someone want to work. At a place. Like this. In the middle of the night. Is it boredom, or is it something entirely different?" Michael shuddered; the voice sounded unnerving. After the letter his father sent, Michael knew he had to do this. Years of wanting his fathers' attention, which was something he was never going to admit, would finally happen once he did this job. Working at Circus Baby's Entertainment and Rental. He wanted to make his father proud. This was the way to do it. Anything to get his father's praise, he would do it. Even if it sounded dangerous.

"This is called the Scooping you know why it's called the scooping room?" Michael furrowed his eyebrows. Why did they call it the scooping room? "Because, dummy, it's where they scoop." Michael scoffed, crossing his arms. He knew that. Totally. Michael stepped inside the scooping room, looking around. "Have you ever played pretend? Pretending to be something else when you are the other? I like playing pretend."

His eyes widened. What was going on? Chains appeared around him and tied themselves around his arms, putting them above his head. "We cannot go out like we are. But if we looked like you, we could be free!" Michael shook his head quickly, heart pounding. "No! Wait-" Then the lights started to flash, Michael's breathing getting heavier by the second. The large scooper came at him, digging into his flesh and creating a loud squelch. Blood poured out his mouth like a waterfall as he collapsed. He took his final breath and noticed the metal being before his lids shut.

The animatronic lived inside his body for weeks, using it as a suit. His body began to rot as any dead body would, beginning to turn purple and smell. His neighbors took notice, no longer waving to him like before. Most ran inside their homes, away from Michael. That was until the junk of metal had enough, throwing itself out of Michael and giving him control over his body once more.

"What the hell..." The corpse had mumbled, his voice deep and scratchy now. Barely recognizable. "How am I alive..." Michael looked down at his rotten hands, pushing his finger through a small hole in his decaying hand. "You won't die..." A familiar voice had said. Anger burned through Michael. He was still alive because of that damn robot. " made me like this. I don't even want to be like this! Why can't you just let me die?!" The voice only giggled. "You need to save us, Eggs."


"What the hell? Why are you here?" Scooped Michael said, stepping closer to William. "You are supposed to be fucking dead! How are you still alive?!" William gave him a confused look. "Dead? What the bloody hell are you talking about? I am very much alive, thank you." "HEY!" Elizabeth's little voice shot out, causing the group to flinch. "No swearing! You owe me a dollar, Mikey!" Elizabeth declared, crossing her arms. "Wait! Since there's two of you, shouldn't one of you be called Mikey 1 and Mikey 2?" Scooped Michael didn't respond. He just stared at his little sister.

She was right in front of him. Alive. It was a relief to see this. "I agree with Lizzy..." A timid voice said. Scooped Michael looked over, his eyes widening even more as tears rose. Both of his siblings. Alive. Right in front of him. Then two flashbacks hit him hard.


The little boy sobbed from underneath the table. Maybe his brother wouldn't find him here. Oh, how wrong he could be. "Evan!" His brother had taunted, smirking. "Where are you? The birthday boy needs to make an appearance!" Evan only sobbed harder as he held onto his beloved Fredbear plush. "Come on, Michael! Find the brat! He needs his birthday present!" Michael laughed before he suddenly went silent. Evan tensed up before crying as Michael grabbed him by the ankle, dragging him out.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02 ⏰

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