Chapter 3

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okay hi!! so i havent updated this fanfic on ao3 in a while but i figured why not at least upload the rest of the chapters. so...enjoy!! :)

Elizabeth giggled as she ran downstairs, one arm interlocked with Evan's and the other holding a few dolls. "Mikey!!" Elizabeth called as she ran into the room. Michael sighed and lifted his head up from the couch pillow he had laid his head on. "What do you want, Liz?" Elizabeth and Evan looked at each other, giggling, before looking back at Michael. "We want you to play Barbie with us!" Michael raised an eyebrow, shocked that Evan wanted to play but he didn't question it much. "Why in the world would I want to play, Lizzy?" Michael asked which caused a sinister smirk to form on her face. "Because if you don't, I will tell daddy that you have been sneaking out every night to hang out with your friends after curfew.." Michael's eyes went wide, he never even realized she had caught him. "Oh and one more thing!" Elizabeth said as she stepped closer, "You have to speak in your girl voice..." her smirk only widened. Michael sighed, he hated speaking in his girl voice. It annoyed him. "Fine, fine. But if dad even hears my girl voice, you will regret it. Got it?" Elizabeth giggled and nodded, she knew his threat was empty. He never actually hurt them.

The three started to play with dolls before Elizabeth got annoyed with Michael, they have been over this before! "Michael. How many times do I have to tell you?!" Elizabeth exclaimed, crossing her arms as she stared at him. "Use your girl voice!" Michael sighed and glanced at Evan who had a grin stitched upon his face while holding up a camera ready to record his girl voice. Michael sighed before clearing his throat and saying in a high-pitched voice, "How you doin'?" causing Evan to burst into a fit of giggles with Elizabeth doing the same.

Michael sighed, those memories were the only things that kept him sane. Or at least it felt like it. William just buried himself in work, and Michael didn't understand why. Shouldn't he be looking? Maybe he was, Michael wasn't even sure himself.

William was driving himself insane, there was nothing pointing to where his children had gone off to and it was pushing all his buttons in the worst way. "you should take her out..." A voice whispered to him, William only shook his head. "Leave me alone won't you?". "you know she took them..find her. Kill her. You know she has your children..." "DAMMIT LEAVE ME ALONE!" William yelled and threw a box cutter at the wall, breathing heavily.

Michael walked into the room, looking worried. "Dad? Are you alri- did you do that?!" Michael asked as he pointed to the box cutter that was stuck into the wall. "Yes. I am fine, Michael." Michael nodded slowly, not fully believing his father but decided not to question it. "Did you figure anything out, dad?" William sighed, shaking his head. "No, I haven't. Security cameras didn't even catch anything either. They glitched right before they went missing." William said, Michael nodding.

Honestly, it seemed like there was no hope of actually finding them. If there was any God out there, Michael was praying every night that his siblings would be back home unharmed.

William glanced at his office, cringing at the mess before making his way upstairs. He knew something went on in the office the day Elizabeth and Evan went missing, Michael just wasn't sharing. William didn't like that. If Michael had information about where the two went off to then why wasn't he saying anything? William knocked on Michael's door and walked in, "Michael? Be honest with me, okay?" Michael gave his father a confused look as he nodded slowly. "I know something weird went on in the office the night they went missing and you aren't telling me. Tell me." William said, sitting down on Michael's bed. Michael froze for a second, he knew his dad would think he is crazy for saying he saw the spirits of 5 dead kids. "Nothing went on's fine."

William sighed, he knew Michael was going to say that. "Michael, if you know something about what happened, tell me." William said, Michael only shook his head. "I don't really know!" Michael said, which wasn't totally a lie. He still had no idea what Cassidy meant.

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