Chapter 4

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hiya there!! this chapter was definitely a favorite of mine to write. i enjoyed really getting into the characters while writing this. i would also appreciate feedback! thanks!

tw: murder + slight torture

William sighs as he pulls up to Clara's house. He hated how peaceful it looked. It showed the exact opposite of her personality. It pissed him off. First, she gets a good house and then takes his kids. How was this fair? Simple answer; it wasn't. William knew better than to just knock on her front door, it was how someone gets caught and he had zero plans of getting caught. He wouldn't get caught anyways. William gets out of the car and begins his trek to one of her windows, it was a bathroom. Perfect. He could also find something to knock her out with. Maybe. 'So stupid..' William thought, leaving the window unlocked as he slowly slid it open.

Seriously though. Who would leave their windows unlocked in the middle of the night? It was silly. Clearly, she didn't value her life much if she left entrances to her house unlocked like this. William groaned, that would make the killing less fun for him. A lot less fun for him but he supposed he could work through it. It was still killing someone and what kind of person would he be if he passed up an opportunity like this?

William silently closed the window before looking around the bathroom, smirking as he saw a metal rod. This would be perfect to knock her out with. He just needed to figure out where she was. Pressing his ear against the door, he could hear her talking on the phone. It sounded like she was in the kitchen which was perfect. "Yes, I'll see you later tonight. Of course, I will wear something nice. Yes, Alright, love you too. Bye." Clara hung up and sighed, sipping on her wine. She had a date tonight. If she wanted to survive it, she needed wine. She supposed he was an alright guy. He was rich. Attractive? No. It was a big turn off but when money presents itself to her, she wouldn't ignore it. William smirked as he snuck out, staying low to the ground. He stood up, finally behind her. "Hello, Clara.." He whispered, she turned around, eyes wide. William hit her over the head before she could mutter a word. He smirked. Now, he just needed to find something to tie her up with.

Michael looked around the house. It was boring with just him there he decided. He could invite his friends over but he did not feel like getting grounded by his father if William came home earlier than intended which was a normal occurrence. Michael walked into Evan's room, sighing. He found himself missing his siblings more than he thought he would. 'At least he has his plush..' Michael thought, smiling lightly. "Missing your siblings, eh?" A voice asked, venom clearly laced through their voice. Michael decided to ignore the souls, they only annoyed him now. They were no help at the pizzeria so why should they get any attention? If they knew anything, they would tell him but they aren't telling him anything so they do not get to hear anything from him. Michael soon found himself wandering to Elizabeth's room. Her room was bright pink. It hurt his eyes. Why would she want such a bright room? He had no idea. He wasn't sure why father allowed her to paint such a bright color either but he wasn't about to question William's reasoning. "Hey! Are you ignoring us?!" another voice shouted. Michael ignored it. Little did he know, this was beginning to piss off the souls.


"Huh? Wha- William?! What the fu- WHY AM I TIED UP?!" Clara shouted, glaring up at her ex-husband. William chuckled darkly, twirling a knife between his fingers. "You should know why...Do not lie to me. Where are they?" William asked, moving closer to her and putting a knife up against her throat, smirking at the way she squirmed underneath him. "Wha- who are you talking about?!" William sighed, shaking his head. "The first lie...I told you not to lie to me. Yet you did. This is gonna hurt, love." William said softly, removing the knife away from her throat only to dig it into her leg as she let out a blood-curdling scream. William kept the knife there, relishing in her pain. "Let's not repeat the same mistake twice, yes? Now tell me, where are the kids?" Clara huffed, glaring up at the man. "Like I told the damn cops, I do not know!" William shook his head. "You really are playing this game, huh? Oh well. It's your funeral." William said with a shrug before twisting the knife into her leg, blood pouring out like an angry waterfall. Her screams echoed throughout the house, increasing in volume as William pushed the knife further into her leg.

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