Chapter 8

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Henry noticed William's anger and placed his hand on William's shoulder. "It's going to be alright, yeah?" William glanced over at his best friend and nodded. He only hoped the man was right. The sudden voices of 3 children could be heard, and William froze. He knew those voices. He turned towards the door, and his eyes widened. There stood his children. They were all alive. "Daddy?" A tiny voice called out, cutting him out of his thoughts. "Kids.." William let out a breath of relief as the two youngest came running, crashing into his arms. "Daddy! Where the heck were you?!" Elizabeth asked, looking up at her father with a pout. "Where was I? I was at home! Where were you?!" William asked back, poking her nose, which caused a giggle to escape from the little girl. "Evan and I were here! We waited and waited for you here!"

William gave a watery chuckle, holding the two close against his chest. "Dad? Why are you crying?" Evan had asked, looking up at William with worried eyes. "I'm alright, buddy. I promise. These are happy tears. See?" William gave Evan a smile, who giggled. Elizabeth looked over William's shoulder, gasping excitedly. "Uncle Henry!" Elizabeth shouted, jumping up and down. "Come over here!" Henry laughed,
meandering over. "Hey there, kiddo. You missed me, too?" Elizabeth grinned up at Henry, nodding. "Of course I did, silly! Evan and I both missed you!" Henry grinned down at the two, ruffling their hair. Michael stood awkwardly off to the side but smiled nonetheless. "Michael, what are you doing? Get over here." William's voice suddenly sounded as Michael walked over, heading into his father's arms.

Michael sighed shakily, holding onto William. "I missed you, too, Michael," William said, looking at his eldest. Something William was proud of was how much Michael took after him. Michael shared the same passion for robotics as him, asking if he could help create the newest animatronic. Michael was also an almost exact copy of William, already taller than most kids his age. Besides their difference in skin tones, Michael looked just like William did when he was a teenager. Because William hated programming and computers, Henry had already begun teaching Michael about programming. Henry knew how much William disliked programming and asked Michael if he wanted to learn about it.

The group soon ended the hug, Henry and William glancing at each other with a smile. "You have no idea how much I missed you, kids." William smiled, looking down and noticing the bandage wrapped around Elizabeth. "Elizabeth, what happened to your leg?!" William asked worriedly, sitting her down and propping the injured leg up. "We were attacked, and Elizabeth got hit..." Michael said, fumbling with his fingers nervously. "You got attacked?!" William almost shouted, looking at the kids who nodded. "By who?" Evan shrugged, playing with his Fredbear plush. "Some weird rabbit lady. That's all we know.." Sun soon came out, and his personality suddenly much more grown up. "Moon was able to stitch her leg up just fine, I promise." William looked up at the creepy looking animatronic, nodding. "Can you at least tell me who the two of you are?" Moon nodded, walking over. They were freakishly tall. It freaked Henry and William both out. "I'm Moon, and this is Sun. We are the Daycare Attendants."

"And how were you two able to stitch up Elizabeth with no issues?" Henry asked, looking at the two wearily. "We were both programmed with the ability to provide medical attention up to deep cuts!" The two grownups nodded, standing up. "You must be very advanced then. May I look at your programming?" Henry questioned as William walked around the two, gently grabbing Sun's arm and examining it. "This way," Moon stated, leading Henry toward the computer. "Incredible.." Henry muttered, looking through their programming. "Are there other animatronics?" William questioned, analyzing Sun. "Indeed! There are quite a few others."

Elizabeth walked up to William and gently tugged on his sleeve, William looking down. "Yes?" Elizabeth smiled and handed William a drawing. He looked down at it, choking on a little spit. "Is- is that me?" Elizabeth glared at him before turning around, pouting. "No- Wait- it's so good! It looks just like me!" Elizabeth looked up at William wearily, unsure of his words. "Oh, honey, where were you when it was time for senior photos, okay?" "Then why is Michael laughing..?" William turned towards Michael, who was crouched on the floor laughing. "Michael doesn't know what he's doing anyways! Don't listen to him!"

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