Chapter Two

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Disclaimer: I own nothing.

Hiccup was woken up the next morning by Gobber slamming his hook down on her desk. She looked around blearily before her eyes settled on Gobber. She groaned before she put her head back down on the desk.

"Up and at 'em! We got a busy day ahead of us!"

"Can't I just sleep in for once?"

"You slept through breakfast hours, I call that sleeping in! Now get up and get dressed, we have a busy day ahead at the forge, no breaks today!"

"No breaks?" Hiccup whines.

"If you were up the entire night, that's your problem! Now I expect you at the forge in ten minutes! No excuses!"

"Fine!" Hiccup slowly stood up and stretched and her back and neck made a few popping noises that Gobber cringed at before he left so she could get ready. It didn't take her long to get ready, she made sure that she grabbed her charcoal stick and her journal before she left and when she exited she saw how bright it was outside. At least she got more sleep than she normally did but today was still going to be a long day.


It was an especially long day in the forge, they had to finish fixing all of the weapons that were destroyed in the raid and then after they were finished with that they started on the troughs so the fire brigade could stop the fires quicker and less damage occurred. Some of the villagers had already grabbed wood and made sure that the planks would be useable, not all of the pieces were perfect but they would work. It helped that some houses were smaller than others and so the smaller troughs could be used. It also meant that the families with a higher status would get their houses protected before those with less.

Gobber and Hiccup worked until the sky was pitch black and the moon was high in the sky. They only had half of the troughs done and they probably would've kept working if Stoick hadn't come to grab Hiccup. It was nearly midnight and Stoick always liked to make sure that Hiccup got a decent amount of rest but he did claim it was because many villagers were complaining about Gobber's out-of-tune singing. Gobber had a witty comment in reply but Stoick sighed and told Gobber that enough was enough and that there was still no luck on finding the Nightfury so most of the village would be leaving early tomorrow and the day after that dragon training would officially commence.

The walk back to the chief's hut was a silent one and once they were inside Hiccup freshened up with the small wash basin in her room and tossed the water out her window when she was done before she changed into her nightgown once her head hit her pillow she was out.


A few hours later and Hiccup was woken by a violent nightmare. She looked out her small window and saw that the moon hadn't shifted a whole bunch from when she last saw it and the sun wasn't even close to rising so she figured it was about two in the morning. Which means she got less than two hours of sleep. It would be okay though as she's run off of less before. She changes into a fresh set of clothes before she sits down at her desk and lights one of her candles so she can see. She then opens up her journal and starts to sketch Dagur. She had missed him after all of these months and she was excited to see him again. She was also excited to be his wife.

Her drawings of Dagur were very detailed, more detailed than what one would expect considering how long it's been since they last saw one another. She really missed Dagur and she knew that he felt the same way. She would see him soon and it would all be worth the wait. She was happy that she was spending the rest of her life with Dagur over anyone else. A small part of her wished that she was older but she was also excited to get off of the island and into a new adventure and away from the people that despised her as well.

Rewrite HTTYD: Female Hiccup x DagurWhere stories live. Discover now