Chapter Three

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Disclaimer: I own nothing!

A/N: Thank you guys for reading this and thanks for all of the support you've been giving me.  I do have plans to rewrite Riders and then Defenders of Berk.  Riders of Berk is currently in the works, I will also be rewriting Snoggletog and will probably just throw that in with my Riders of Berk Series unless you'd want a separate story entirely, let me know in the comments.  I also don't know who I'm truly going to pair other than the two obvious, I'm up for suggestions but I can't promise anything because when I'm writing I tend to do what I want in that moment.  Thanks again!  Hope you enjoy!

Hiccup got about four hours of sleep at her desk before she woke up due to another violent nightmare.  They had only seemed like they were getting worse as time went on and she didn't know why.  Since she was up and knew that today they had a later training session today she went to the market and bought a barrel of fish.  She then carried that sack with her into the woods and dropped it in front of Toothless.  He was immediately intrigued but then he soon hissed and backed up.  Hiccup was a bit confused but pulled out the eel and when that seemed to be the thing that caused him to hiss she immediately tossed it aside.

Toothless then went back into the sack of fish and wolfed all of them down quickly.  While he was eating Hiccup went behind him to check out his tail, which looked better.  She reapplied the salve and put new bandages over the wound.  She then pulled out her tape measure and measured his remaining tailfin and how she was going to make it work fluently.  She then started to make her way back towards the front and measured a way to make a rig of sorts.  

As soon as she was done measuring Toothless was done and looked at his rebandaged tail and nuzzled her once again before he separated from her just as quickly.  She bid him goodbye again before she picked up the eel and made her way back to her hut.  When she got there Gobber was waiting and immediately asked her where she was and she told him the market and showed him the eel.  He was suspicious but didn't say anything.  She put the eel away before she followed after Gobber and the two made it to the arena.

When Gobber and Hiccup made it to the arena the other teens were already there.  The first thing Gobber told them to do was to abandon their shields and weapons as they were doing something a bit differently.  When being questioned he said nothing in response and instead handed each of the teens a bucket of water and for them to pair up.

The pairs were, Astrid and Ruffnut, Snotlout and Tuffnut, Delilah and Asmund, Anders and Gunhild, Frode and Fighlegs, Tove and Turid, Haldor and Gunnar, Dogsbreath and Wartihog, Clueless and Speedifist.  As the teens reluctantly paired up they were sent into the arena and the door was shut the second the last recruit was inside.

"Today is about teamwork. Now, a wet dragon head can't light its fire. The Hideous Zippleback is extra tricky. One head breathes gas, the other head lights it. Your job is to know which is which."  As Gobber is speaking the dragon is released and the arena is immediately drenched in a smog.

"Razor sharp, serrated teeth that inject venom for pre-digestion. Prefers ambush attack, by crushing its victims--"

"As interesting as the dragon facts are, can you please not?" Frode asks the equally nervous Fishlegs.

All of the teens look a bit antsy just waiting for the dragon to come out of the smoke.  This, of course, causes Snotlout and Tuffnut to think that their fellow recruits are a dragon as they see the horns from their helmets and mistake it as a dragon.  

"If that dragon shows either of his faces, I'm gonna-- there!" Snotlout states pointing at what he assumes is a dragon.  Those figures just happen to be Astrid and Ruffnut who don't take very well to being splashed.  While Snotlout's bucket hit the girls, Tuffnut happens to hit Gunhild and Anders with his bucket.

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