Chapter Seven

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Disclaimer: I own nothing!

The teens were about halfway to the island while the adults were busy setting up their catapults and other defenses.  Soon enough though the adult were done and Stoick had the catapults fire into the mountain side.  After a bit the boulders that were fired managed to break the mountainside and they sent in a flaming ball of straw and Stoick was able to see all the different dragons that were hidden in the mountain.  Stock charged closer to the mountain along with the other chiefs and they're yelling out war cries.  This startles the dragons and they start to flee the mountainside not even worrying about the gathered Vikings.

After ten minutes all of the dragons have flown away and an overwhelming silence was gathered over the crowd.  "Is that it?" Gobber asks.

"We've done it!" Spitelout rejoices.

That was when a loud roar was heard from inside and the mountainside began to shake.  "This isn't over!  Form your ranks!  Hold together!" Stoick commands.  Stoick and the other chiefs jump down from their spot and Stoick once again yells to the ranks.  "Get clear!"

Everyone gathered starts to run to the ships that were on their side of the island.  Stoick and the other chiefs were doing the same but Stoick and Gobber turned around once they heard the crashing sound of the dragon barging through the rock.  

"Beard of Thor!" Gobber gasps.  "What is that?"

The dragon was a humongous grey beast that was five times the size of any of their ships.  The dragon roars once it's escaped the mountain side.

"Odin, help us.  Catapults!"

The catapults fire at the beast but all it does is annoy it.  The dragon takes a few hunkering steps forward and chomps one of the closest catapults.  That was really when everyone began to run away.

One of the Vikings running by shouts, "Get to the ships!"

"No. NO!"

Either the dragon saw the ships and saw the direction everyone was running or it actually understood what the one Viking had said.  The next second all of the ships were burning.  The Vikings who had made it on there had to jump off in order to survive the flames.  The only living thing that was left on the ships was Toothless and he was still trying to buck his way out of the contraption he was put in.

"Smart that one," Gobber comments.

"I was a fool." Stoick tells Gobber before turning to Spitelout to give him orders.  "Lead the men to the far side of the island.  Gobber go with the men."

"I think I'll stay, just in case you're thinking of doing something crazy."

"I can buy them a few minutes if I give that thing someone to hunt."

Gobber interlocks their hands into fists, "Then I can double that time."

The two then start to try and get the beasts attention by shouting at it.  When that hardly gets it's attention Stoick tosses one of the carved pikes at the beast, narrowly missing one of it's eyes.  The beast then turns it's attention to the two and lowers its head and growls.  The three are almost at a standstill before the beast moves it's head back and gets ready to fire a blast at them and anyone in the surrounding area.  Just as it's head rears back, before the gas can even gather in it's mouth, the beast is shot at causing it to loose it's momentum.

Everyone was a bit confused but they soon saw just what had blasted the beast.  All of the teens and heirs were on the backs of dragons and Hiccup was leading all of them. 

"Ruff, Tuff, watch your backs!  Move Fishlegs!"

"LOOK AT US! WE'RE ON A DRAGON! WE'RE ON DRAGONS! ALL OF US!" Tuffnut shouts garnering everyone's attention who already wasn't on the group.

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