Chapter Five

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Disclaimer: I own nothing!

The next few days became a blur. The teens were better and the other chiefs weren't giving Stoick as hard of a time about the teens being horrible warriors. Speedifist, Dogsbreath, Ruffnut, and Tuffnut were the teens to be eliminated over the three days. Ruffnut and Tuffnut we're eliminated together just for the simple fact that they were making it harder for the other teens to not get caught up in their arguing. Speedifist and Dogsbreath did decent but they were by far worse warriors then those who remained in the arena.

During those days as well the Vistihugs, Bashem Oiks, and Meatheads arrived. With the arrival of the other tribes the bickering amongst the chiefs did become worse and they all took their cracks at Hiccup. Hiccup was either around when they did or she was off and no one knew where to find her. Gobber was stuck by Stoick's side so he couldn't go off looking for her and the others in Stoick's tight knit group were busy trying to train their children better. The other heirs had tried looking for Hiccup and despite all of them being great trackers they could only get so far before they decided to turn back because either Hiccup was that good at covering her tracks or wherever she went the other teens were too bulky to try and get through and they didn't want to be embarrassed by having a search crew come find them, after all Hiccup knew these woods better than anyone.

Stoick didn't seem worried when his daughter disappeared and she always reappeared when needed. Hiccup said few words to the other heirs and they barely saw her as well. The heirs either stick with each other or were making fun of the Berserker and Berkian teens since Hiccup wasn't around to taunt.

Currently, dragon training had just gotten done for the day and the heirs had been dismissed by their parents. The other heirs wanted to follow Hiccup but were surprised when she went to the forge instead of the woods like she's been.

"Whatcha doing in there Hiccy?" Camicazi calls from just outside. They hear a bit of a commotion from inside but other than that it was silent.

"Did she even hear you?" Victor, the heir to the Vistihug tribe asks.

"With how loud Cami just spoke I imagine the dead heard her," Thuggory tells them, rubbing the ear Camicazi just yelled in.

"No need to be rude, Meathead," Tantrum tells him.

"How was that being rude? If anything he just spoke the truth!" Ake, the Bashem Oiks heir tells them.

Before the teens can get into too much of a heated argument they hear Hiccup cursing. "Maybe we should go check that out?" Victor suggests with a smirk.

"I believe we should," Cami agrees.

When the heirs enter the quaint little shop they see what a mess the inside truly was. Hiccup was picking up the disaster zone and was moving finished projects to one side and things that needed work still to the other. They were amazed when she picked up a pile of at least ten swords that were probably bigger than her.

"Whatcha doing Hiccy?" Camicazi asks.

Hiccup sets down the swords with a grunt before she responds. "Cleaning up Gobber's mess."

"Who would've thought that the runt had it in her to lift a pile of swords."

Hiccup glares, "I can lift plenty of things Maddock, I work in the forge as Gobber's apprentice. Gobber also has a knack for leaving things everywhere as well, who do you think picks up after him?"

"Are you his only apprentice or do you Hooligans just claim that you're his apprentice so it makes their weak hiccup heir seem more important and needed?" Tantrum taunts.

"Considering you don't see anyone else in here, you should be able to draw that conclusion yourself."

Hiccup continues to move things until she's satisfied with where everything is moved. She continues to ignore their stares and instead restarts the fire. The other heirs gawk at her for a bit but with Hiccup not giving then the time of day, not to mention they couldn't do much with the fire burning best they burn down the forge and a war breaks out.

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