Inner Child

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Watching childhood home videos brings back so much nostalgia.

The family trips, birthday parties, Christmases and Thanksgivings.

Where did the time go? It all happened so fast. I swear, I blinked.

I was just 6 years old, enjoying my first day at school and making friends.

Now, I am 26 years old and working at a typical office job. 

Do I really enjoy where I've come to at this point? How proud is she of me?

I hope little Kathy sees me as a hero, an idol and a role model. I hope she is.

I want to protect her with everything I have, and all that is left of me.

May the child in me not only heal from what she endured, but-

May she also get to feel the happiness she used to have so long ago.

~ Kathy Kowalewska

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