The child in me- she often feels lonely, like nobody wants to be her friend.
She craves company most of the time. She wants somebody to listen.
She would love it if someone could tell her "it's going to be okay."
The child in me- she doesn't know what it means to be loved truly.
She tried to show her love, but she was always denied. All she wanted.
She wanted that more than ever, she stopped asking. No point in it.
The child in me- she is scared of people, yet is comforted by some.
She hopes for somebody to notice her, but when she is seen-
She runs away and hides, because she is too afraid of what they think.
The child in me- she is unsure of herself most of the time. She's lost.
Can someone come give me a hug please? I just need a friend.
~ Kathy Kowalewska
Step Into My Soul - Poems About Spirituality, Mental Health & More
PoetryHave you ever looked at somebody and wondered "what kind of person are they?" "What are their passions in life?" "What have they gone through?". We don't necessarily go up to random strangers and ask them about their life story.. but I am here to sh...