Chapter Three

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Angelina Saint Laurent

Alexander stayed for another few hours until nearly twelve O'clock at night to which he stated he should leave though he had gotten three more drinks in him and I wasn't about to let him leave tipsy. He'd either crash his very nice Corvette, or get a DUI and neither was good.

So being the doctor I was, I set him up on the sofa along with an advil and a glass of ice cold water for when he woke up with a hangover and a headache in the middle of the night when the alcohol had worn off, and he regretted drinking my thirty dollar bottle of wine.

Once I was certain he was going to be fine and had enough blankets to insulate an elephant I walked upstairs and undressed before finding a nightgown to wear and removing that days makeup so that I could go to bed and not end up with mascara on my pillow. Again.

Slipping myself under the covers I relaxed into the pillows and stared out the window at the buildings around mine, and began to wonder just ever so slightly what the reason was for me ending up approaching Alex in that bar. Or even the simple chance of him being there around normal people.

Eventually I had also clued in to the fact there was a sleeping billionaire downstairs and I hadn't thought anything of it. I hadn't freaked out aside from my realization but outside of that I had willingly continued the night without a second thought.

There is a handsome twenty five year old billionaire on your settee.

Telling my mind to shut up for the first time that night I began to drift off to sleep with my final thought being how I was going to convince Alex to leave my house before seven AM when I left for my twelve hour shift.

Waking the following morning I rolled out of bed and into my bathroom to shower and prepare myself for the day ahead. Glacier North Clinic was swamped with over three hundred patients and aproxamately a thousand that came in and out in a day. In the six months that I'd been working in New York excluding my three year fellowship that was in Seattle, I was here with over ten separate clinics that were speckled around a leased area from a building.

I'd done well my sister would congratulate me and my parents would smile and tell me they believed in me like they always did. The problem was that I didn't at first, I was trying to make it in New York City and about the only way to get rid of all of my student debts without telling my parents that I had specialized in pediatrics, cardiology, and surgery was to find a way to pay back the half a million dollars in debt I owed to HSBC.

Getting out twenty minutes later I brushed my hair and pulled it up into a spiralling bun for the sake of simplicity and put on my black halter necked long sleeve and trousers before finding an appropriate pair of closed toe running shoes before finding simple jewelry and doing some quick makeup before walking out of my room down to the main level of my apartment only to find it was empty the blankets I'd provided Alex folded neatly and coffee along with breakfast made neatly on my counter with a note.

Thank you, I thought I could repay you in food and coffee. Perhaps we will see one another again.

Just beneath it was his signature which seemed like an odd thing to leave on a piece of paper in the possession of someone you had just met.

Putting the food into a container and promising that I'd eat it on my break at some point today I then filled a thermos with coffee and grabbed my things before leaving my apartment to the elevator so that I could get to my car and quickly get to the clinic.

Leaving the elevator I got down to my car and slid into the front seat before driving off through the streets of New York towards Midtown where my hospital was likely already swamped.

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