Chapter Eighteen

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Hours had passed by the time I woke up, once more to find that Angelina was still asleep next to me with a small satisfied smile on her face along with her sleeping position having moved from the pillow next to mine to using my chest as a pillow. The light from the windows above us was glowing down onto her and even as I stared at her I couldn't help the feeling of wanting to make sure nothing ever touched her.

Moving her hair off of her face I carefully got out from under her and made sure there was enough of her covered to keep her warm before crossing the room and getting dressed in the clothes I'd been wearing earlier. I then took all the rope and put it back where it was before leaving the bedroom to go to my office and sending off an email to Danielle to set up something for me that I'd sign off on once I returned to New York.

Walking into the wood paneled office I slid open the side window to let in some of the ocean air and the sound of birds flying overhead and the faint noise of watercraft further away.

Rounding the dark varnished oak desk with very little ornamentation I slid the laptop closer to the edge and opened it before locating my email, and logging into the server that was attached to my yacht. I hadn't lied when I told Angelina that my house didn't have a private server but my yacht did and I wasn't going to miss out on the chance to do something that though she may get upset seeing me here behind my laptop which she was supposed to be sleeping, she may thank me in the end.

When she got over being livid at me for breaking my promise though I wouldn't count this as working.

Quickly composing the email I sent it off to Danielle for her to get started for me, and I'd finish it myself along with the various other things that I needed to get done once I returned to New York. There was tons that I needed to get done too. Files that needed my attention along with projects and finance reports. There were companies I wished to buy out, and deals that required signing off on; instead I sat on my yacht with a naked beautiful woman in my bed twelve hundred miles from New York. Angelina wasn't going to be just another woman who I gained some kind of interest in. She was going to experience more firsts for her and I for as long as she let me.

Shutting the laptop I stood and walked away from the office back to the bedroom to get the floormat which I hadn't taken to the laundry room yet, and I wouldn't let my staff deal with something this sensitive.

I didn't let them into my sex lives, and I didn't want to know theirs either.

Folding it I then carried the rug out of the room without making a sound and to the depths of the yacht to the laundry room where I stuck the rug along with the towels I'd tossed on top of it into the washer and started it.

Walking up through the halls of the yacht I eventually got to one of the veranda's and leaned on it while staring at Palm Beach where there were houses less expensive then the boat I stood on and yet I didn't even bother flashing that fact. I knew who I was, and what I'd achieved and I'd be damned if I wasn't going to casually flaunt the fact I was more successful then people twice my age.

"Alexander, do you always just wander around your yacht without a care in the world?" Angelina asks appearing beside me wrapped in a mostly opaque wrap dress that was more of a shawl then anything else with her hair still messy and resting in beautiful disorder on her shoulders.

"I'm not used to looking at the world around me, I haven't looked at most of my life. I spend money and drive back and forth between my penthouse, Winters Enterprises, the bar, and then to whichever woman who I've found myself sleeping with that night's apartment, and if not that the original cycle continues. People don't get to ride in my shiny sports cars, or come on trips with me. Yet you've gotten both out of me".

"You offered the yacht trip, and letting me come with you to Florida. This was all your idea, I just encouraged the time off" Angelina defends a winning smile crossing her lips.

"Every time we let each other closer we do this. We do something and now you and I are acting like we didn't just have sex four hours ago".

"I'm not, are you" she says turning a glacial look to me that I had a feeling would make her incredibly good at getting her way, and considering she was the only person to ever successfully put me in my place in the past seven years I would say she was probably the only person that would, my staff even talked about her for most of the week, and I was always one to give credit where it was due.

I was strict but I wasn't a complete prick, even if I came across as one.

"I don't know how to act. I can't around you, you're this beautiful woman who just appeared in my life one day, and I can't get enough of all of this I want to share with you" I say. "You're taking many of my firsts, and I don't know how I am supposed to act with that being the case".

"You like control over your life and that's fair. But I'm not going to hurt you Alexander, besides I can tell you've gone out of your way to make sure I'm not going to be hurt by you" Angelina says reaching up to my face and holding the side of it while rubbing my beard.

"Let me show you the same thing. You don't need to hide behind all of your walls with me. One day I'd like to know why you have them so high, but I will let you tell me that when you're ready" she adds before wrapping her arms around me and resting her head on my chest where my heart was. I was shocked that she'd hugged me, that she'd even wished to do anything for me what so ever, but I wasn't going to turn it down.

I just might need her.

I then put my arms around her and held her in my arms more out of not wanting her to step away from me even if I knew that letting anyone get close to me was a terrible idea I wasn't going to let anything touch her as she made her way deeper into my life.

"You're a precious woman, Angelina Saint Laurent" I say looking down at her as she stared up at me gifting me a soft smile of consolation in return and I couldn't deny that she looked lovely in the setting Florida sun as the golden glow rested on her face and gave a black and orange silhouette on the tinted windows of the room next to us.

"I will be treated as nothing less then that Alex" she says a teasing yet serious expression on her face.

"You will be treated as nothing less Angelina, I will promise you that" I affirm looking deep into her eyes as I do in hopes that she will see every ounce of truth that I just poured into that sentence.
Shorter then the previous one but oh well, comment, vote, and share. Anyways


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