Chapter Fifteen

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The following morning I woke up in one of the guest bedrooms in Alex's beachfront mansion to the sound of two people having a conversation downstairs. I didn't know what the conversation was about but it wasn't in English, and noise carried easily from the kitchen up through the living room to the second floor of the house.

Rolling out of the queen sized bed I grabbed one of the robes that had been in the one bag which I found out Alex had actually gotten one of his personal shoppers to go and get my clothing for here and the two duffle bags worth was certainly more then enough for a weekend, it had filled the closet.

I then walked into the bathroom and fluffed my hair before brushing it so that I could at least pull it back into a pony tail for breakfast and deal with it later when I showered. I also went through the list of products that I'd brought along to start my morning skincare that would be more thorough when I got out of the shower.

Leaving the room I slowly padded along the floor before catching Alex's slightly frustrated response to whoever he was on the phone with.

"Nora no puedo hablar en este momento, estoy preparando el desayuno para mí y mi ...oh, no importa que el punto sea que no puedo hablar. Más tarde tal vez, pero no ahora".

It was silent for a moment after as I walked downstairs and into the hall near the kitchen since I didn't really want to eaves drop on Alex's conversation but I couldn't help but hear what he was saying.

"Sí, estoy pidiendo no volver a verte, estoy en Miami ahora, por favor, respeta que he seguido adelante. Adiós Nora" he says before ending the call and setting his phone down before I walked around the corner acting like I hadn't just heard him tell off a girl named Nora who I wouldn't guess as her former importance in his life though I'd imagine she was once a hookup who he was distancing himself from.

"Good morning Angelina" Alex says looking up from where he stood with a large plate of toast and eggs in the middle of his kitchen island. "I'm sorry for anything out of that phone call that you heard, one of my former flings lives here in Miami and I was making sure that she knew though I was here it was time to say goodbye" he adds as he slipped several of the eggs and toast onto his plate.

"Why'd you do that?" I ask also taking some but paying very close attention to how he answered my question.

"I don't want anything to get in the way of whatever this is between you and I. My intentions aren't drawn in the sand, but I hope they're clear enough" he sighs.

"That you're cutting off all of your casual aspects of your past, does that mean Alexander Winters is not longer being a playboy?" I muse glancing up at him.

"It mean's that my attention is on you, also I asked that my yacht is brought here one of them at least" Alex says and I stare at him wondering exactly what he possibly could have as a boat if he had the money to live like this at any point.

I felt foreign to all of it though at some point he'd need to allow himself to enjoy what he had accomplished, and my whole goal this weekend was to get him to do just that.

"What kind of yacht because I don't do well with water?" I admit narrowing my eyes slightly.

"One you will be more then safe on Angelina, my yacht is named Q. I asked my mom to pick any letter in the alphabet and she chose this because she was reading James Bond, though her excuse was for it to stand for queen".

"Queen of what?" I ask distracting from the fact that he let his mom name his yacht being quite wholesome.

"Never told me though on the boat's aft the letter Q has a crown styled over it as a representation of what my mom wanted it to mean. It's an inside joke that only her and I know, and well now you" Alex says taking a step back to remove himself from the vicinity of the counter.

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