Chapter Forty Nine

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Angelina Saint Laurent

It had been too long since I'd seen any of the women in the same circle of friends as Alex, he had gone off to work that morning to attend a meeting with Scott, Damon, and Lucas. The four of them often were spotted together at restaurants and in public as a collective though it was pretty hard to not notice the group of them since they all were known billionaires, and pictures of them covered the media every time a photographer got lucky enough to spot them.

While Alex was actually at Winters Enterprises, I was at home doing my work from the couch while the doors to the balcony were open allowing the wind and the smell of rain into the penthouse. I wouldn't tell Alex that I'd had three cups of coffee, and ate an entire loaf of bread by making grilled cheese at ten o'clock in the morning but he would see that I had gotten almost all of todays emails dealt with, and completed numerous tasks before noon without having to ask for assistance. I'd also noticed that because of the meetings he had today it would take him a lot longer to get to what I'd completed but once he had he would end up working until it was completed.

Pregnant, with a baby who's fighting, and I still can get my work done.

I'd also been checking on the expansion of Glacier North Hospital's across the East Coast and Midwest, along with Julia Marie Hospital's on the West Coast. The chains of hospitals had been a fast growing subsidiary which led me to proposing a medical research division so that thr top doctors and medical staff that were hired could implement new and more efficient and productive methods.

I'd remembered that about Alex that he always wanted to push things forward in some way and having a division of his company directly linked to improvement.

As I finished writing out the email about the active investment of profit into it the house phone chimed and I picked it up to accept the call and put it on speaker.

"Angelina were outside but security won't let us in" Kara says and I laugh.

Of course not.

"That's probably Alex's security, put me on speaker" I say and she does.

"The three of them are allowed up, I invited them over" I say loudly so the security could hear over the wind.

"Thank you" Heather's voice says faintly in the background of the call. Only the wife to Damon Ambrose could accomplish being civil despite being a very well known face. She was also successful before Damon was which I found interesting.

Heather had founded her own Hedge Fund in New York and made nearly four hundred million dollars by twenty while Damon apparently only made a billion this past year. She never doubted him though they built together but once his caught on there wasn't any limit. It seemed like that with all of them, they'd been friends for years but still they all had practically fed off each other's success until they'd become a group of now eight individuals worth thirteen billion dollars.

I'd always liked that about all of them no matter what was happening they all seemed to be there did one another, Alex had even told me that he owed Damon for helping him get the business off the ground, and I could technically give me being friends with the same people as Alex to him bringing me to the Gala, and then introducing me to the women who were now coming up to the penthouse that I shared with Alex.

When the doors pinged, and opened as the sound thinned in the air, I turned to see the three of them look around the penthouse until they noticed me in the living room as I finished the last bite of what had been my perfectly cooked grilled cheese sandwiches.

"Angelina, you look exceptional today" Kara says her hand on her belly, a habit I too had developed when there was nothing to do.

"Interesting, just a few days ago I was told I had a chance of dying because my baby was fighting my immune system to stay alive" I say dryly and Heather scoffed while Aurora pressed her lips tightly together to not do the same. Kara just seemed amused.

"I hope your baby doesn't inherit your sense of dry and dark humour" Kara says.

"I do" Heather admits, "would make this city be more interesting if a billionaire heir had dark humour".

Aurora just looked at her and shook her head slightly, though all of us had heard the men talk about ensuring that all the children stay together in school, until they grow up just so that there was a type of comradery amongst the families that would eventually be the most powerful members of New York high society.

"Well other then a depressing pregnancy, what's happened?" Aurora asks seating herself in the corner of the room with her legs together much like how British royalty sat during official ceremonies or in public viewings.

"I've been made COO of Winters Enterprises to help Alex not lose his fucking mind, and I had coffee and an entire loafs worth of grilled cheese for brunch" I reply and she nodded, "what about you three, anything new in the lives of the rich and beautiful".

"I have stepped away from business, sold it for its value, and now it's not mine for five billion dollars" Heather says much to the shock of Kara and Aurora.

"I sold it to your boyfriend Angelina, so I'm sure he's happy to have a five hundred million absorption so his net worth" Heather laughs and I roll my eyes though I knew she was right. Alex valued money a lot more then most people did but considering he grew up with it and then had to bring his family back from being impoverished I could understand the focus.

"Lucas and I are expecting within the next two months" Aurora says with a pleased smile.

"That's amazing" I say with a beaming smile towards her.

"Thank you, Angelina, yours better be born I'd like to see my son and your child be friends".

"Do you have a name picked out" Kara asks looking over at Aurora.

"Nicholas" Aurora replies before looking at me, "do you have names picked, Angelina?".

"I'm hoping my child will be born, I think it's a boy" I say with a soft smile. My gut feeling had been to call the baby despite barely being developed a boy, and I hadn't ever had a wrong instinct in my life. "And no not yet, I think when it's near the time or time I'll know the name".

"I just think your son will be the one that will be bossiest. If he's fighting already he'll be that way" Kara says and I glance down to my body which had started to grow because of my baby.

"A little fighter is right" I muse before looking up at the women I'd consider friends though there seemed to be a way that we all were closer then that, like we'd distinguished ourselves.

The conversation then quickly changed every few minutes from topic to topic until it was almost four in the afternoon and they decided it was time to leave one by one until it was just me and Aurora left in the living room.

"I'm grateful you joined our circle here in New York, you added a lot in the months you've been here, and Lucas complained for years that Alex wasn't happy. You changed that" she says as she pulled on her shoes.

"I just did what any woman would for the man she loves, I helped him" I respond and she smiles.

"I'm sure he appreciates you Angelina" Aurora says before stepping into the elevator and being shut away behind the metal doors before she was carried down to the bottom floor all while I was left to the silence of the penthouse with a smile on my face as I thought abound having a family with him in the upcoming months.

Today's chapter was a good length, I'm pleased with it. Comment, vote, and share. Anyways


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