– Messi –
Y/n Pov
April Fools Day was coming up and I just knew I had to prank Leo. I'd always loved playing pranks on family and friends and April Fools Day was one of my favourite days. While Leo was at training I got everything set up to make it seem like the house was haunted. It was perfect timing as we had watched a movie last night where the house was haunted. I set up small cameras around the place to capture his reaction before going and hiding moments before he was due back to give him an extra scare.
Leo's Pov
I walked into a silent house, which was odd as I knew Y/n was supposed to be here. I heard the sound of cupboards banging in the kitchen and made my way but there was on sign of Y/n. I was confused and about to leave when one of the cupboards burst open narrowly missing me. My thoughts went back to the movie Y/n had begged me to watch the night before. I decided that it could've just been the wind or something like that and made my way upstairs. I couldn't shake the feeling that I was being watched. I kept hearing noises and couldn't help jumping and turning round expecting to see someone there. I called Y/n multiple times but got no answer. I felt fear rush through my veins at every sound. Flashbacks of the movie clouded my thoughts.
Our bedroom was empty too and I placed my bag down when I saw something move from the corner of my eye. I went towards our wardrobe and saw some of the boxes move. I slowly began to back away, eyes wide when something leaped out from the boxes with a war cry.
I screamed and raised my arms before falling back and realising it was Y/n who was doubled over laughing.
"The look on your face!" she laughed tears streaming down her cheeks
I pulled her into a hug and began to tickle her and give her a real reason to laugh. She kept apologising as I laughed along with her and showed her no mercy for scaring me like that
– Neymar –
Ney's Pov
Tomorrow was April Fools day and I knew the perfect prank to play on Y/n. I went into a pet shop and bought everything that was needed for a pet snake but instead of an actual snake I got a very realistic one that moved.
The next day Y/n left to go hang out with her sister and I stayed home and set up everything but left the lid of the enclosure open so that it looked like the snake escaped. I settled down in the living room waited for Y/n
Y/n Pov
I arrived home after a day out with my sister and saw Neymar playing Fifa as he had a day of training. I greeted him with a smile before making my way to the stairs when something made me stop. I went back into the living room.
"Neymar. What's that massive cage doing by the stairs?" I asked
"Oh that, I bought a pet snake" he answered looking calm while the colour drained from my face
"Is the lid supposed to be open?" I asked him fearfully, praying that he hadn't actually brought the snake yet.
"Uhhh... no" he told me, pausing the game he was playing and turned around to look at me, "Is the snake still there"
I shook my head before I saw something slither past me. I screamed as I jumped onto the sofa. I heard Neymar laugh and turned to glare at him.
"April Fools!" he yelled and showed me a controller.
I glared at him before grabbing one of the pillows and hitting him with it. He retaliated and before we knew it a pillow war had broken out. We laughed as we threw pillows at each other. After a while we collapsed on the sofa laughing and I planned my revenge on him.
– Ronaldo –
Y/n Pov
Tomorrow was April Fools Day and I decided that I would pull a prank on Cristiano. With the help of some friends I made it look like someone had broken into our house. One of my friends even had a black van. Together we used fake glass and fake blood and hid in one of the guest rooms. We would keep peeking out of the window and checking the driveway. Before long we saw Cris pull up and got into our positions.
Cris's Pov
I pulled up to my house and saw nothing out of the ordinary apart from a strange black van parked nearby. I couldn't help but wonder why it was there. It seemed abandoned but I just ignored it and made my way to the front door when I saw something that made me stop in my tracks. The door was wide open and as I made my way inside I saw broken glass and blood covering the floor. Y/n I thought.
I ran all over the house screaming my girlfriend's name. All I could think of was her. I heard a scream coming from our room and sprinted over there. No one was there. I was about to leave when I noticed a piece of paper on the bed. It had two words on it.
Guest room
I made my way to the nearest guest room with my heart pounding. When I walked in I saw my girlfriend and two of her friends sitting on the bed.
"Wha...what's going on?" I asked, confused. None of them looked hurt or injured.
They all laughed before yelling, "APRIL FOOLS!"
It took me a moment before I realised that it was a joke. I felt relief rush through me. They all apologised for the prank and I forgave them. It was then I realised that they had been filming and watching me. I just hoped that they wouldn't post it. After Y/n's friends left I made Y/n promise to never scare me like that again and we spent the rest of the day cuddling in bed.
Note: I meant to post this yesterday but due to internet problems I couldn't.
Did any of you prank family and friends?
I pranked my parents by pretending to get a tattoo on my wrist. They fell for it hard and my mum began going on about how I poisoned my skin and my dad was very disappointed in me, until I yelled April Fools.

Football Images *TAKING REQUESTS*
FanfictionI'm going to be doing short stories for each player for each chapter. You can request longer ones though. At the moment I'm doing three footballers: - Messi - Neymar - Ronaldo I just decided to stick with three for now so as not to overwhelm myself...