Injury - Part 1

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Warning: I'm not the best when it comes to writing out game play so I apologise if it seems a bit off. None of these injuries reflect real life events (I think). I am also not a medical professional so if the injuries and healing process seems wrong, blame google.

– Messi –

Y/n pov

I sat on the edge of my seat with my shoulders tense. It was the last 20 minutes of the game and the score was 2-2. I could see my husband getting frustrated. I knew how much this game meant to him and how he always wanted the best for the team. I watched as he got the ball in the box and prepared to strike when two defenders slide tackled him at the same time causing him to trip and fall with them landing in a pile. I knew it was bad as soon as I saw that he was still on the ground after the defenders had gotten up and walked away. I felt a small tug on my hand and I looked down to see my youngest son.

"Is Papi ok?" he asked with a small whimper, while pointing towards the field where the med team were putting him on a stretcher. (daddy)

"I don't know sweetheart" I said sadly, not wanting to lie to him. I collected my other two children who were sitting in their seats in shock.

"Mateo, Thiago, come on let's go"

The four of us made our way silently towards the med bay and waited until we were allowed in.

"He'll be ok, right?" asked Mateo looking at his older brother for reassurance.

He only got a shrug with a sad smile in return. They both made their way over to me and we sat there in silence with me in the middle and Ciro sitting on my lap. Mateo and Thiago sat on either side of me with their head on my shoulder. We held on to the thought that he had gotten back from injuries before and prayed it wasn't anything serious.

– Neymar –

Y/n Pov

I held my breath as I saw Neymar running to the goal with a defender right beside him. I saw them trip over each other with Neymar on the bottom. I prayed that he'd be alright as I saw Leo running over to him. My prayers weren't answered as I saw the medics run onto the field with a stretcher. I saw that the defender was also being taken care of. Deep down I wanted to be mad at him but I knew it was not his fault. It was neither of their faults, accidents happen especially in a game like football.

I watched as both of them were taken off the field and quickly left my seat. I made my way to the med bay where I was made to wait outside. I didn't know how long I waited and must've fallen asleep at some point. When I opened them, I saw Leo walking towards me still in his kit.

"Hey, how did the game finish?"

"We won," he answered with a sad smile.

We sat beside each other while we waited

"He'll be ok, you know. He's been injured before"

I turned my head at the sudden noise before answering with a small smile, "I know. He hates being injured no matter how small and it always seems to happen to him."

"I know."

Leo was soon called away by one of the staff to talk to the coach and I was left alone in silence. It broke my heart every time I had to see Neymar injured. The longer time ticked on, the more anxious I got. Why was it taking so long?

– Ronaldo –

Y/n Pov

I was watching the game on the TV as our son wasn't well and was in no shape to be going to a match. I knew how important it was for him to see his father play but I promised him that I would record the match. I was making him some soup to eat while he slept upstairs. I quickly checked on the game and saw that the score hadn't changed and was still 0-0. I took the soup upstairs and woke my son.

"The game?" he asked, rubbing his eyes. I laughed at his eagerness even when sick with the flu.

"Still nil, nil" I answered, handing him the bowl.

I heard the phone ringing from my bedroom so I went to retrieve it and answered it. It wasn't a number I recognised but still picked up.


"Is this Mrs Ronaldo?"

"Yes it is. Who is this?" I recognised the voice but couldn't pinpoint whose it was.

"I'm one of the medical staff. I'm afraid your husband was injured in the game."

He was still talking but I had blocked him out. Cris had been playing fine when I checked the game.

"I'm on my way to the stadium" I told him, cutting him off mid sentence.

I went to tell our son what happened and that we had to go to the stadium. I was thankful that it was a home game so I could get there faster. I told my son that it'll be alright but I wasn't sure. The person who had called me sounded nervous and when I checked the replay it looked bad. I just hoped that it wasn't as bad as it seemed. I arrived at the stadium in record time and took a deep breath before walking in.

Note: I'll be posting part 2 sometime tomorrow hopefully. Please vote if you like the book so far

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