You get hurt because of him

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Note: This is not about him cheating on you and the pain is physical not mental. There is NO graphic images

– Messi –

Y/n Pov

Me and Leo were walking out of our favourite restaurant when some fans spotted us along with the paparazzi. They began to harass us and began pushing and shoving each other. A journalist began asking questions which were being drowned out by the noise of the fans. I felt myself being pushed away from Leo and didn't notice and curb before slipping and falling badly on my wrist. Leo noticed that I wasn't by his side anymore and when he saw me on the ground he lost it.

"Do you mind!" he yelled which shocked everyone into silence as he wasn't the type to yell. He helped me up before pushing his way out of the crowd, holding tightly onto my non injured hand.

He led me to a bench and sat down before pulling me next to him, practically on his lap."Are you ok, me amor?" he asked me gently, looking at my wrist, which was red and swollen.

I could only shake my head as the pain was becoming worse by the second. He took me to the doctors where they told me that it was only a light sprain. They gave me a brace to wear for the next couple of weeks and gave me a sheet on how to help reduce swelling and pain. When we got home I could tell that Leo wasn't happy and feeling angry.

"What's the matter Leo?"

He turned to me, his face softening slightly, "I'm just mad at what happened. It's my fault that it happened. If you weren't with me then they wouldn't have harassed you and you wouldn't have gotten hurt"

I looked at him sadly, "I don't blame you Leo. I'm fine, it isn't that bad. They shouldn't have harassed us anyway but they did and you can't control the actions of others." I gave him one last look before kissing him, "Te amo Leo" (I love you)

"yo también te amo Y/n" he replied and kissed me again. (I love you too)

– Neymar –

Y/n Pov

Neymar wanted to play football with me in the garden and at first I was a bit hesitant as I wasn't that great at Football but he insisted that it'd be fine. It was alright at first and we laughed at how bad I was but it was all good fun. We played penalties against each other and short one to one games with smaller goals.

That was until Neymar accidentally tripped and fell onto me and I felt something in my ankle. I felt pain and when I tried to get up I found that I couldn't put any weight on it at all.

We drove to the hospital and on the way Neymar wouldn't stop apologising no matter how many times I told him that it was alright and I didn't blame him. I could tell that he was blaming himself even though it was no one's fault. I just placed my hand on his thigh and rubbed circles on it to calm him down. And signalling that I didn't blame him.

Luckily it was only badly bruised and nothing was broken or anything. When we got home Neymar helped me upstairs and told me that he would be back and just had to do something downstairs. I nodded and began to read (insert favourite book here).

Neymar soon appeared and began to help me downstairs. I was confused as to why but I soon released when I saw that he had turned the living room into our own home cinema.

"I'm sorry for what happened today. I hope this makes up for it"

I smiled at him before answering, "I love it and don't worry about what happened it wasn't your fault"

We relaxed into each other as the opening scene of (your favourite movie) began playing. I smiled at him before giving him a kiss and resting my head on his shoulder. He wrapped an arm around my shoulder and pulled me closer.

– Ronaldo –

Y/n Pov

I was in the kitchen making dinner while listening to music when I felt someone's arms wrap around me. Jumping in shock my hand touched the hot stove and I gasped before turning around.

"Jesus crist Cris, you scared me" I said, signalling in relief that it was only my boyfriend and someone breaking into the house.

"Sorry for scaring you Y/n" he answered smiling before noticing my hand, "What happened to your hand"

He gently pulled my hand and placed it under the cold water.

"I accidently touched the stove" I answered, feeling relief flood through me as the pain died down.

"Keep your hand there while I get the cream and bandages" Cris told me as he placed a kiss on my forehead. I nodded in reply, smiling at how thoughtful he was.

When he returned, he began to attend to my hand while we spoke about our days. He massaged the cream which helped with the pain, before wrapping my hand tightly but not too tight that it cut off circulation.

After he finished wrapping it up he gave it a kiss before getting up and telling me to relax while he finished dinner. I gave him a hug, kiss and thanked him.

"Is your hand alright?" he asked me as we were finishing eating

"It's getting a lot better" I replied with a smile, "Thanks for finishing dinner"

"That's good and don't worry about it"

After dinner we spent the rest of the day chilling together and I forgot all about the pain in my hand. 

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