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*My POV*

My name is Isabella Petry, but I go by Izzy! I go to school and meet my friends from time to time. I have some trouble, but mostly have trouble with my mother....but anyways! I help people who needs my help, but I help my friends Erwina or EC, Lyla, Mayan and a lot of my other friends the most! I also love to work out and test my strength. And I love to see people smile! It's what I truly love, but my favorite show helps to keep me going. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. I miss them so much. I just wish I could have  been there for them. EC, Lyla, Mayan and I just walked into my house. "Hey, sissy." I said. A dirty-blond almost 21 year old looked at me. "Hi, sis." She said as she got back to playing with her dog. We smiled. EC, Lyla, Mayan and I went to do our normal routine. EC, Lyla and Mayan always come to my house when they have the time. After we were done, my dad comes in and sits on the couch exhausted. 'Poor Daddy.' I thought as I filled him a glass of water and gave it to him. He smiled. "Thanks Bella." He said as he drinks his water. My mom is probably drunk in her room, and my brother is probably in his room. EC, Lyla, and Mayan walked to my room. I turned on the TV and clicked on Netflix. "Another day, another one of our favorites." EC, Lyla, Mayan and I said while smiling. Of course I picked my profile and went to watch some of my shows. Than we saw our favorite show. We smiled. 'It's been awhile....why not?' EC, Lyla, Mayan and I thought as we looked into Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. We smiled as I scroll all the way to season 5. Then we saw an episode that we did not watch. Our eyes widen. 'A new episode? That's impossible we watched all the series unless....' I thought as we looked at the episode. It said 'Start over with 4 new characters'.' We looked at it confused. I grabbed my blanket that has been mine for years, since my grandmother made it for me. "Girls, I think somethings wrong." Lyla and Mayan said as we all scoot away. Then whiteness begins to appear. We closed our eyes because it was too bright. We screamed because of our heads. We can hear my dad and sister screaming. Then we passed out with a thud. 'Help us.' I thought as I only can see black.

(Hours later)

EC, Lyla, Mayan and I woke up with migraines. "Where are we?" Mayan asked as we rubbed our heads. We looked around to see we are in an alley. We looked at our bodies to see that we're more 3-D version and we see a backpack and my blanket. I hugged the blanket. "Thank god your safe." I said. Thank God it's safe. EC, Lyla and Mayan chuckled as I clutched my blanket. We looked outside the alley to see a beautiful city. Our eyes widen. 'Wait this is New York City! But we only know this part because of...' We thought as we realized where we are now. Our eyes widen as we got up. We're in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles!!! "Now to find my family, even if my mother can be an asshole." I said as EC, Lyla, Mayan and I run off to find my family.

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