Rise of the turtles pt. 2

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*My POV*

I hold the mutagen in my arms with EC, Lyla and Mayan by my side. The turtles looked at it. "Whoa." They said in unison. "So that's the-" Lyla cut him off. "Mutagen that turned you all into what you are now." Lyla said. "Let's drink some!" Mikey said. "What? Why would you do that?" Raph asked. "Cause if you mutant a mutant, you get a super mutant!" Mikey answered. "Or a pile of goo on the sidewalk. Nice try Mikey." Mayan said as he looks sad. "Anywho, this is serious. Those guys kidnapped the people are connected of what happened to you guys 15 years ago. When you were just little turtles. Trust us we know this." Lyla said. "How is that possible?" Donnie asked. "For those kidnappers, also known as the Kraang. Anything can be possible. And now for a little word with a certain someone." I said. I walked to Snake and grabbed his shirt. "Alright Snake, where are they?" I asked him. He looked at me. "I see you know me. Isabella Petry, mother to Crystal Petry." He said and whispered that last part. My eyes widen. "How do you know my name?! And how do you know that?! Spill it!!" I said in my angry voice. "Never!" He said. "Fine, Raph please give me the mutagen." I said. EC made a gesture to Raph to do it. Raph gave me the mutagen, and Donnie and Mikey grabbed his arms to make sure he does not escape. "You see our friends were just normal guys until they got hit with a little bit of this." EC, Lyla, Mayan and I said as I unscrewed the lid. I went above him. "Wha-What are you doing?!" HE asked starting panic. Us girls smirked. "Oh, just playing a new game called mutation roulette. With a little splash of this, you could turn out handsome like our friends here or become disgusting and deformed. Like a certain little weed." EC, Lyla, Mayan and I said. The turtles blushed madly. "So, you feel lucky? Or are going to tell me how you know my name and where are they." I said as I begin to pour out the mutagen. Just as it was about to drop on him, he confessed. "Okay, okay! We know your name because we know who you are. We found your family and took them away. And we've been grabbing scientist all over the city. And the last part I whispered we took her away to experiment on her!" He said. I gasped and pulled the mutagen back. Tears begin to form in my eyes. 'Not my family....not my baby girl...' I thought. EC, Lyla and Mayan had a dark look on their faces. Leo begin to comfort me. I looked at Snake furiously. "Where are they now?! And what do they want with scientists?" Lyla and I asked. "I don't know." He said. "You better tell us or else." I said shaking the mutagen. "All I know is they're taking them out of the city but I don't know where!" He said. "But I don't understand, why would the Kraang want my family and me. Only my sister is smarter than that. Why would they want my dumbass mom, my dad, my brothers, my sister and me. That doesn't make any sense!! Yes Donnie, my sister, me and Lyla were both gifted on science. For the three of us." I said gesturing to Donnie. "This is awesome! You two and your sister is a genius. I'm a genius. Oh, you two and me are gonna get along just fine." He said. "I don't think your their type." Snake said. EC, Lyla, Mayan and I turned around to Snake. "Well we for one, think our type is for reptiles not a cold-blooded man who hangs out with stupid droids and kidnaps a family for a dumb experiment. And not to mention that man stinks also you need a shower dude." We said sass tone. Snakes jaw is dropped. "I like them already." Raph said. We all come close. "Where are they now?" I asked. 

(Time skip)

We are all at the roof where Snake told us where they're at. Mikey is keeping watch on him. Mayan and I looked at him to see he's doing a trick and Snake looked away shaking his head. Mayan smiled and giggled silently at Mikey. 'That's my goofball.' Mayan thought as I looked at Leo. "There's gotta be, like, 20 of them down there." He said. I nodded. "And those are the ones that we can see outside. On the inside there's more than that." EC and I said. Raph took his sai's out. "All right! An all-you-can-beat buffet!" He said. "Sorry Raph. We can't rush in thee, we need a plan." EC said. "Why?" He asked. "Because innocent lives are at stake. If we screw this up there goners." EC and I said. "Then we won't screw it up." Raph said. "Boy, I could sure go for some of that pizza right now, huh?" Mikey said. We looked to see him without Snake. "What? I can't be the only one that's hungry." He said. "Mikey, where's Snake?" Mayan asked. Mikey gasped, and looked to see Snake gone. "Oh, geez." He said. Snake laughed as he runs off. "GET HIM!" Leo said. We all jumped off the building safely and split up. EC and I went with Leo and Raph. 'Ok, part 2. Let's do this.' EC and I thought as we catch up with Leo and Raph. We stopped at the old playground. I put a silent 'shhh' and point my thumb to the dumpster. They nodded. "Oh no, Snake has got away." EC and I said acting. "Whoa, whoa. Leo is the leader. That means he let him get away." Raph said. "That's not helping. That's mean." EC and I whispered. Leo nodded. "Wasn't trying to help." Raph said. "Okay, okay. You him to lead? Fine. What's that Leo you want us to go back to the lair, Gear up, and at midnight, we drive Snakes van right up to the gate. They'll think we're him and we'll cruise right in. Right?" I asked. "Of course Izzy." Leo said. "And then we can bust some heads?" Raph asked. "And then we bust some heads." EC said. Leo and I smiled. "I love a happy ending." Raph said. We walked away, they looked at us with a wink. We winked back. 

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