Never say Xever

69 4 13

*My POV*

We were all at the surface because April is taking us to a special place. She couldn't tell us about where we were going. "You guys might wanna speed it up a little?" April asked. "Are you saying turtles are slow?" Donnie asked. We looked to see that he is ahead of us. "That's a hurtful stereotype." Mikey said. "Trust us, April. We are better off keeping a low profile. We find people treat us better when they don't know we exist." Leo said. "Sorry. I'm just so excited to get you out of the sewers for a change." April said. "What are you talking about? We go out all the time." Raph said. "Yeah but tonight you're going to do something besides hitting people." April said. "She has a point." EC, Lyla, Mayan and I said. Raph groans in disappointment. "Don't worry. You're gonna love this noodle place I found." Aprils aid. Mine, EC, Lyla and Mayan's eyes widen. "N-Noodle shop?" I asked. "Mr. Murakami doesn't care what you look like, In fact, he won't eve know what you loo-" She was cut off by EC, Lyla, Mayan and I. "MR. MURAKAMI!!!" We both shout in unison. "Quick! To the noodle shop! It's being attacked!!!" EC said as we head for the noodle shop. The guys eyes widen and followed us. We made it to the noodle shop and bashed in. "Hold it right there, Purple Dragons!!" EC, Lyla, Mayan and I said. They stopped and looked at us then laughed. "Oh, yea. Then what are you going to do about it?" Fong asked. We get into fighting position as the guys come in. "You were saying, Fong?" I asked. His eyes widen. "How did you know.....those guys were serious. There really are giant turtles." Fong said. "Well, that's bad." Mayan said. "Whatever you are, this is ours. So why don't you go back to the ocean you came from?" Fong asked. EC, Lyla, Mayan and I scoffed. "They're freshwater turtles, dumbass." I said. Fong growled in anger and his men go for me. We attacked them, as April comes in and got Murakami out of thee so that he won't get hurt anymore. I keep giving them the best hits ever as for EC, Lyla and Mayan, they are having so much fun in the fight. Lyla saw Donnie doing a cool move to the big guy and kicked him good. As for me, I am now fighting Fong as he tries to get me with a hatchet. He strike and I kicked the hatchet out of his hand and kicked to the wall. I pinned him and ready to punch, I see him cringing in ready for the punch. My face softens and released him. He looks at me. "Get out of here, before I change my mind." I said threatening. He smirks and walked passed me and got off the counter. He helped his met get up. EC, Lyla and Mayan comes to me and nodded at me showing mercy. "This ain't over, greeny and girlys." Fong said as he leaves the shop with his gang. "Greeny? Girlys? Really? That's just stupid to them." I said. Raph walks to me. "You just let him go? What the heck was that?" Raph asked. "They're just a small threat, they've had enough. Sure they were beating up a bling guy, but they're just stupid. I may be a fighter but let's not forget about my kindness, even on some bad guys." I said. Raph frowned a little bit. Leo smiled at the lesson I am giving out and put a hand on my shoulder. I smiled. April came in with Murakami. "That was great, you guys." April said. "Thanks, April, Lyla, did you see when I caught the guy and flipped him onto the counter? Did it look cool? I bet that looked cool." Donnie said. "No, Donnie, I didn't see it but I did see what you did to the big guy." Lyla said, Donnie smiled at that. I looked at him. "Are you ok, Murakami-san?" I asked. He smiled. "I am fine, may I please know your names?" He asked. "I'm Erwina." EC said. "I'm Lyla." Lyla said. "I'm Mayan." Mayan said. "And I'm Isabella Marie Petry, but you can call me Izzy." I said. Murakami-san smiled and Leo blushed madly as I said my fun name. "Welcome to this world!!!" He said. All of our eyes widen. "How did you..." I said. "I sense a very powerful spirit from you four and I was today from a family member who is from your world. I know that you four are not from here." He said. My eyes widen. "W-who told you?" I asked. "You'll see sooner or later. My friends, I'm indebted to you. Please allow me to make you a meal. Free of charge." He said. We smiled. "Thank you, Murakami-san." EC, Lyla, Mayan and I said. "What is your favorite dish?" Murakami-san asked. "Pizza!" We said except April. EC, Lyla, Mayan and I smiled at they're reaction. 

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