Turtle Temper

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*My POV*

We are all hanging out on the roof. Donnie is looking through the periscope to see if there is anything. "Anything?" I asked. "Nothing yet, Sis." Donnie said. I smiled. EC, Mayan and I looked at Mikey and Raph to see Mikey pokes his head and Raph smacked his hand. Mikey laughed, and then did it again, and again. He was about to poke Raph again until Raph took his hand and squeezed it which causes a snap. Mikey yelped in pain. "Guys, when ninjas are on surveillance, they are supposed to be silent." Leo said. I rolled my eyes. "So bored!" EC, Lyla, Mayan and I whispered. "Sorry, Leo. I'll scream quieter." Mikey said about to poke Raph again. He did it and Raph growls at Mikey giggles. 'Now you've done it.' EC and Mayan thought as Raph grabbed his hand, flipped him over and put Mikey in an arm lock. "Say it." Raph said. "Raph, be quiet!" Leo whispered softly. It gave me goosebumps for that. Leo and I have been hanging out a lot since me, EC, Lyla and Mayan got here, and I've fallen in love with him even more. "Not till Mikey says it." Raph said. "Raphael is all-wise and powerful." Mikey said. "And?" Raph asked. "And he's better than me in every possible way." Mikey said. Raph let's go of Mikey. Then been dropped at the floor. "And?" Raph asked again. "And I'm a lowly worm beneath his feet, who isn't fit to live on the same planet as him, because he is so amazing and I'm a dirt clod." Mikey said. Raph licked his finger and point to Mikey, ready for a wet willy. "And?" Raph asked again. "And in the history of the universe there's never been-" Mikey got cut off. "Okay, enough." Leo said. 'Thank you, I was about to die with laughter.' I thought as I giggled. I see Leo blushing madly and continued on what they were doing. I didn't see EC, Lyla and Mayan's smirk. Raph got off Mikey. "We're wasting our time. The Kraang aren't gonna show up." Raph said. "Have a little patience, will you?" Leo asked. "Trust me, guys. They're gonna break into the lab tonight. I have reliable intel." Donnie said. 'Wait a minute....turtle temper! Oh, we remember that.' EC, Lyla, Mayan and I thought as we get up. "Intel? You mean Lyla told you." Raph said. We looked at the building. "Hey guys, we remember this part...." We said excitedly. They put all their attention on us. "We were about to get into the lab cause the Kraang showed up. While we were waiting for the Kraang a little interruption came....which should be right....now." I said as the doors open. We looked to see a soon-to-be Spider Bytez. "What the heck is going on up here?" His raspy voice asked. EC, Lyla, Mayan and I shivered. we just stared at him. "What are you playing dress up?" He asked again. "No, sir, we were just--" Leo said but got cut off when he saw the satellite which is broken. "Which one of you slimy green HAM shanks busted my satellite dish?" The man asked. "Ham shanks?" Raph asked angerly. Mine, EC, Lyla and Mayan's eyes widen. 'Uh-oh.' EC and I thought as we go to Raph. "I don't even know what that means." Donnie and Lyla said. "Me neither. But I don't like it." Raph said. EC, Lyla, Mayan and I looked at him. "How could you call them that? Most rudest thing I ever heard in my life." I said starting to get angry. The man looked at me dead in the eyes. I see Raph pulling out his sai's. EC stopped him. "Let's go." EC and I said. "That's right, you spineless cream puff! Listen to your Mommy." He said. I growled in anger. I take out Raph's sai's. "Don't make me mad chubby." I said. "Chubby?! Why you little...Well I didn't know you had salad tongs." He said. Mine and EC's eyes widen and I got even more angry. "SALAD TONGS?!?!?!?!" Raph and I said in unison. Ok now he has done it. I breathe in through my nose and out through my mouth. It helped me calm down a bit. Raph was about to pummel him, until EC stopped him. "I'm not gonna take this from some greasy, pit-stained slob with a  comb-over!" Raph said. EC, Lyla, Mayan and I looked over at the building to see the Kraang arrived and got they're attention. 'Oh, shit!' I thought. 'Oh, sewer apples!' EC, Lyla and Mayan thought as EC held Raph back. "You calling me ugly? Seen a mirror lately, circus freak?" The man asked. That made ME and only ME snap. I turn creepily at the man. "What did you just say?" I asked. "You heard me, have they seen a mirror lately, they are hideously disgusting!!!" The man said. I crack my neck and my fingers. "Oh, ho, ho, ho. When I am done with you, a piece of you is gonna be hanging at the graveyard, where you truly belong!!!!" I said. Then a laser blast in front of me. We all looked to see the Kraang. "Kraang droids!" Leo said. "Holy Toledo!" The man said backing up. I looked at him. "You are so lucky they arrived and your lucky that I am nice!" I said as I attacked the Kraang and dodged the laser blast and all. I upper cut one of the Kraang and immediately the head flew off. The turtles, EC, Lyla and Mayan looked at me scared. "First, scram! Second, new rule: Don't make Izzy mad at all cost!" Leo said the others nodded and joined in the fight. I took a good blow on all of the droids. "Keep going, kung fu frogs. This is pure fold." He said waving his phone. EC, Lyla, Mayan and I gasped. "We're not king fu grogs, you idiot!" Raph said. "Ok, sir, give me the phone and we won't have a problem." I said as I reached my hand out. "Izzy, why are you scared?" Mikey asked worried. "He caught us on video." EC, Lyla, Mayan and I immediately answered. They're eyes widen. Raph growls in anger. "Not for long, he doesn't." Raph said. he ran to get the phone until the man shut the door and he ran into it. He groans in pain. "I'm gonna make a fortune off of this! And maybe ask that cute girl with the rose pin out on the roof, she got guts!" The man said. I gagged and shivered in disgust. 'I think I'm gonna be sick!' I thought feeling like I could throw up. I got carried by a very grossed out Leo. "Let's move." Leo said. Raph was about to argue back but he sees EC's look. He sighs and we all move out. 

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