Enemy of my enemy

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*My POV*

We are spying on TCRI. "Anything yet?" EC asked. "Nothing yet." Leo said. "Yet." Donnie and Lyla said. "This game is so awesome, it looks so realistic." Mikey said. "You want me to make it more realistic?" Raph asked. "Guys, quit fooling around." Leo said. "According to the Kraang storage devices that Lyla and I decrypted, some kind of scouting ship is coming to our world tonight." Donnie said. "Then that means to stay alert at all times." Mayan said. I felt pressure on my shoulder. "She is right you know, who knows what can sneak up on you." A voice said. EC, Lyla, Mayan and I looked up to see Karai. I smiled wide and hugged her. "Hey! How are you doing?" I asked. "Doing pretty good except Baxter being gone." She said. "We don't blame you for that, we have been through the whole maze thing and a monster too." Lyla said. She nodded. "You four really know how to make a girl feel welcome. So I hear the purple one mention the Kraang, what's going on?" She asked. EC, Lyla, Mayan and I rolled our eyes playfully with a smile. "They have names you know, Donnie and I mentioned that the Kraang are gonna get a scouting ship to your world." Lyla said. "So that's his name." She said. "That's Donatello for you." EC said. "It also might be the next phase of their invasion we believe." I said. "An alien invasion? Are you serious?" She asked. I made a look saying 'I'm not kidding.'. Then we hear thunder. We looked to see the TCRI opened a wall and the scouting ship is coming out. 

EC, Lyla, Mayan and I remembered the episode

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EC, Lyla, Mayan and I remembered the episode. When it came out it saw us. "They saw us, RUN!!!!!!!" I said as we all run away as fast as we can. We jumped down into the alley and keep running. "What is that thing?" She asked. "It's a Kraang scouting ship." Lyla said as we head to the road and keep running. I grabbed Karai's hand and stopped to the side of a building with EC, Lyla and Mayan. I need to fix my hair. "So what's the plan?" She asked me and I got my hair loose. "Whoa." EC, Lyla, Mayan and Karai said as I tied it back into a ponytail. "What?" I asked. "You should let your hair down more often." They said. I blushed a little bit cause April, Karai, EC, Lyla and Mayan are the only ones who see me with my hair down. I looked to see the ship is scanning for the guys. We went to the rooftops. "On my mark..." I said as we wait for it. The ship comes by. "Now!" I said as we start making sounds. The ship flew up a bit and we hid. EC, Lyla, Mayan and I looked at her and nodded saying 'retreat.'. She nodded and took off. EC, Lyla, Mayan and I go to the alley and opened the manhole cover and got underground and saw the guys. "You guys ok?" EC asked. They looked at us and smiled in relief. "Yeah, we're ok." Donnie said. "Oh great cause this wasn't scary enough to see it." Raph said. EC, Lyla, Mayan and I looked to see, I saw it's invisible I can see the edges. "I can actually see it." I said. They all looked at me shocked. We see a helicopter flew by and we ducked as light comes in. We hear cops drove by. 

(At the lair)

EC saw Raph threw his sai's at the dummy. I see Leo pacing around. Crystal was sitting between my legs, and Eleanor was in my arms. "The Kraang ship is incredibly dangerous. We gotta figure out what it's doing here." Leo said. "Or we could skip the point of destroying it." Raph said as the dummy went down. Mikey picks it up. "Your pretty touch when the thing can't hit you back." Mikey said. "So what are we waiting for? Let's load up the Shellraiser and challenge that thing to a rematch." Raph said. "First we need a way to find a ship that is invisible." Leo said. "I know how about we shoot the air till we hit it." Raph said. "Then it would be a waste of ammo." EC, Mayan and I said. "Actually, Raph's got something here." Donnie and Lyla said. "Your right. Instead of shooting objects, we need an electromagnetic radiation." I said. "Which we have it here." Donnie said showing a radar. "Now, we built some radars beacons around the city, when the ship gets near us, I'll get an alarm on our T-Phones or Izzy's." Donnie said. "Good work, you two." Leo said. I smiled. "I'm glad we did that Donnie. We always thing the exact same thing." Lyla said. He smiled and blushed. "Th-Thank you." He stuttered. "Come on guys, let's split up and place beacons." I said as I walked off along with the guys. 

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