Panic in the sewers

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*My POV*

I am finally healed up from Shredders attack and I'm sitting on the couch with my family, Crystal and Eleanor near me. It's so good to have them back, well almost. "Izzy!" A voice said. I looked to see EC, Lyla and Mayan coming to me. "We got a problem in the dojo." They said. I got up and we all went to the dojo to see the guys training but they looked very tired. "Panic int he sewers?" I asked. They nodded and we sighed. "I got this. Just wait for my signal to help me get them to the living room." We looked at Cameron as he nodded and went to the living room. We heard Mikey's scream. "Aah! Shredder's here!" Mikey said. Mayan walked to him. "It's ok, Mikey. It's just a nightmare." Mayan said as we stand up. "Sensei, could you please let them rest?" EC, Lyla, Mayan and I asked. He strokes his bread. "The Shredder will not rest, until you all are dead!" Sensei said. We looked at him with worried eyes. "Sensei, we know that you had a nightmare last night. We saw it in the episode, trust us, it scared us too. Your poor sons, killed one by one by the Shredder." EC said as we shivered in fear. We hear the guys gulp in fear. "We can't let that nightmare come true!" EC, Lyla, Mayan and I said. Then Mayan felt Mikey sleeping on her shoulder. "So please Sensei. They need rest." EC, Lyla, Mayan and I said. He sighs. "Very well. Perhaps a brief rest in order. We will resume later." Sensei said then went to his room. We looked at the guys and nodded. Then they plopped down asleep. We chuckled while shaking our ehads. 'What are we gonna do with you four.' We thought as we give the signal to Cameron. 

(Time skip)

Leo is training with his katanas. 'Good thing I put Space Heroes on.' I thought. I felt Leo looking at the TV. 'Gotcha.' I thought as EC grabbed a ninja star that is about to hit the TV. "Nice try, Raph." EC said as we hear him groan in disappointment. We got up and went to him. EC gave him a comic and EC picked up Spike and started shell scratching him. Crystal was on my back now, and Eleanor was spending time with her Aunt Larissa. Spike hissed softly. "Is that better Spike?" EC asked. She only received soft hisses knowing that he love it. She smiled and I moved, only a water balloon passes me and hit Raph. "Whoa, how did you..." Mikey said coming out with water balloons. "Your gonna have to try a little harder Dr. Prankenstien. By the way, wrong move." Mayan said as Raph gets up and went after Mikey. He ran away screaming as Raph chased him. Mayan giggled as EC continue shell scratching Spike. We walked to Donnie's lab with the guys following. "Still working on the patrol bugie?" I asked. "Indeed, we are, Ms. Izzy with detachable side cars." Donnie and Lyla said. "Dude, is this how you relax?" Mikey asked. "Of course it is. They all have they're ways to deal with stress." I said. "Yea, this is how we deal." Donnie said. "And this is how I deal." Mikey said as he threw another water balloon, I dodge and it hit Donnie. He growls and chased Mikey. "I will get you Izzy, or my name isn't Dr. Prankenstien!!!" Mikey said running for his life. EC gave Spike back to Raph and we left the lab. 

(Time skip)

EC, Lyla, Mayan and I see the guys training. April comes in. "What is it April?" Lyla asked. "I got some info on the Purple Dragons." She said. We looked to see the guys talking about the Shredder and thinking about staying down here. "unfortunately, that is not an option. April got some info on the Purple Dragons." EC said. The guys looked at us and we all went to the living room.

(Time skip)

"We're meeting with Shredder tonight. he's got a plan to destroy the turtles and the little pests." Fong said. 'PESTS?! Why that little....' The guys thought as they growled in anger. "But we don't even know where they are." His companion said. "He says that they are in the sewers somewhere and that's all the knows to wipe them out." Fong said as the audio ends. "Our home is no longer safe. The Shredder must be stopped." Sensei said. "How could we stop a plan that we don't even know." Leo said. I dodge another water balloon and it hit Leo. Mikey whines for no getting me. "We have to go topside and find out what they are planning." Raph said. "Raph is right. There is no other way." Leo said. We head off to the surface.

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