"fuck fuck fuck" sam scrambled to get a uniform
"shiiiiiiit" Sam raced to get some were
"I'm finally here" he panted
"SIR" a guy with white hair and pastel out fit ran towards Sam
"what's up Zachary what do we have here?" Sam asked
"well sir it's one of the death walker's" Zachary looked grim
"which one?" Sam walked towards and destroyed building
"miss 4 aka bubblegum blade and Mr 5 also known as grim" Zachary followed him
"Fu Fu Fu Fu Fu this is fun I wonder when Mr hero is going to play grim!"miss 4 giggled whilst riping a military truck clean in half
"miss 4 remember we have a meeting to go to" grim sat on a scythe covered in runes and flowers
"call me bubblegum grimsy! Fu Fu Fu Fu!" she put her hands on grims head and started to pat his jet black hair
"MISS 4 AND MR 5 RETREAT YOUR SELF AND YOU WILL BE GIVEN A FAIR TRIAL" a fat old man said over a speaker
"no" she made a pastel pink megaphone
"miss-" grim snatched miss 4 out the way of a stray bullet
"as I was saying miss 4 we have to get going" grim grumbled
"hay hi um grim and bubble gum I presume" Sam waved to them both
"ooooh Mr hero came to play grimsy can we pleeeease stay?" miss 4 giggled
"no miss 4 we need to get to the meeting" grim took her hand and disappeared
"Huh well that was anti climatic" he shrugged it off and walked out of the place
(this was when everyone was preoccupied with miss 4 and Mr 5)
a loud thud came from the ally way next to a small run down shop
"what was that" Zachary turned towards the ally way and started to walk towards the thud
"hello is eny one there?" Zachary yelled
Zachary heard a deep breathing from behind the boxes in the ally way he also noticed a faint orange glow on one of the walls
he started to shift towards it quietly
"who's there?" Sam looked be hind the box's