No Way Out

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(Hehehe you scared by the title? It might be hinting at something, might not be, I'm a sneaky lil author >:] )

(TW: Mention of claustrophobia early on but nothing actually happens with that)

''Wait... an escape room?'', Bad asked. To anyone else, it might have sounded like disbelief in his voice, but Skeppy knew Bad's emotions like a speedrunner knows Minecraft's biomes, so he could instantly tell it was anxiety without even looking at Bad's facial expression, although he saw that anyway because he's almost always looking at Bad. 

Dream was silent for a moment before suddenly it clicked and he quickly tried to remedy the situation. ''No nonono it's not like what you're thinking, it's this really big building where we'd all start in one room and then there'd be all these puzzles we'd have to work together to solve to get to different rooms and find the way out, it's not like a small space or anything, swear. I've been there before with my siblings when we were kids so I know. Although I also won't have an unfair advantage because of that because the puzzles are different every time'', he explained. 

Bad's little freakout was because he was claustrophobic and thought of escape rooms as small enclosed traps, but Dream's explanation relieved him. 

Skeppy was also relieved because he really didn't feel like punching Dream for scaring Bad, but he would've if it hadn't turned out okay.

''Now that we've got that all cleared up, the tickets expire in like three days so we gotta go tomorrow. And I'm going to vlog it'', Dream added. 

''Yeah, vlog on MY camera that you stole and won't give back'', Sapnap grumbled. Dream chuckled. ''I told you already, just admit that besides Tommy and Skeppy you're the baby of the group and I'll give it back''. 

Tommy and Skeppy both yelled ''HEY!'' in unison, but no one paid any attention except for Bad who gently pulled Skeppy into leaning on his shoulder, which comforted the diamond derp exactly the way Bad was hoping. 

''I am NOT saying that. I'm not even that much younger than you are, and besides if I ever said something stupid like that you'd make fun of me for the rest of my life!'', Sapnap argued with Dream. Nikki had to swiftly make a move to stop Puffy from chanting ''fight fight fight!''. 

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